FORM_TYPEs for Data Forms

This is the official registry of FORM_TYPEs and associated fields used in the context of the 'jabber:x:data' namespace (see XEP-0004: Data Forms and XEP-0068: Field Standardization for Data Forms), as registered with the XMPP Registrar.

Last Updated: 2009-04-06


Table of Contents

11. jabber:iq:register
12. jabber:iq:register:cancel
13. jabber:iq:register:changepassword
14. jabber:iq:search
15. urn:xmpp:captcha
16. urn:xmpp:ssn


Forms enabling the communication of contact addresses and other server information.

Defined in XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services.

Field NameTypeDescription
abuse-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for communication related to abusive traffic
admin-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for communication with the service administrators
feedback-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for customer feedback
sales-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for communication related to sales and marketing
security-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for communication related to security concerns
support-addresseslist-multiOne or more addresses for customer support


Forms used for administration of servers and components.

Defined in XEP-0133: Service Administration.

Field NameTypeDescription
accountjidjid-singleThe Jabber ID of a single entity to which an operation applies
accountjidsjid-multiThe Jabber ID of one or more entities to which an operation applies
activeuserjidsjid-multiThe Jabber IDs associated with active sessions
activeusersnumtext-singleThe number of online entities that are active
adminjidsjid-multiA list of entities with administrative privileges
announcementtext-multiThe text of an announcement to be sent to active users or all users
blacklistjidsjid-multiA list of entities with whom communication is blocked
delaylist-multiThe number of seconds to delay before applying a change
disableduserjidsjid-multiThe Jabber IDs that have been disabled
disabledusersnumtext-singleThe number of disabled entities
emailtext-singleThe email address for a user
given_nametext-singleThe given (first) name of a user
idleusersnumtext-singleThe number of online entities that are idle
ipaddresseslist-multiThe IP addresses of an account's online sessions
lastlogintext-singleThe last login time (per XEP-0082) of a user
loginsperminutetext-singleThe number of logins per minute for an account
max_itemslist-singleThe maximum number of items associated with a search or list
motdtext-multiThe text of a message of the day
onlineresourcestext-singleThe names of an account's online sessions
onlineuserjidsjid-multiThe Jabber IDs associated with online users
onlineusersnumtext-singleThe number of online entities
passwordtext-privateThe password for an account
password-verifytext-privatePassword verification
registereduserjidsjid-multiA list of registered entities
registeredusersnumtext-singleThe number of registered entities
rostersizetext-singleNumber of roster items for an account
stanzaspersecondtext-singleThe number of stanzas being sent per second by an account
surnametext-singleThe family (last) name of a user
welcometext-multiThe text of a welcome message
whitelistjidsjid-multiA list of entities with whom communication is allowed


Forms enabling user registration with a Multi-User Chat (MUC) room.

Defined in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat.

Field NameTypeDescription
muc#register_firsttext-singleGiven Name
muc#register_lasttext-singleFamily Name
muc#register_roomnicktext-singleDesired Nickname
muc#register_urltext-singleYour URL
muc#register_emailtext-singleEmail Address
muc#register_faqentrytext-multiFAQ Entry


Forms enabling creation and configuration of a Multi-User Chat (MUC) room.

Defined in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat.

Field NameTypeDescription
muc#roomconfig_allowinvitesbooleanWhether to Allow Occupants to Invite Others
muc#roomconfig_changesubjectbooleanWhether to Allow Occupants to Change Subject
muc#roomconfig_enableloggingbooleanWhether to Enable Logging of Room Conversations
muc#roomconfig_langtext-singleNatural Language for Room Discussions
muc#roomconfig_maxuserslist-singleMaximum Number of Room Occupants
muc#roomconfig_membersonlybooleanWhether an Make Room Members-Only
muc#roomconfig_moderatedroombooleanWhether to Make Room Moderated
muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroombooleanWhether a Password is Required to Enter
muc#roomconfig_persistentroombooleanWhether to Make Room Persistent
muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcastlist-multiRoles for which Presence is Broadcast
muc#roomconfig_publicroombooleanWhether to Allow Public Searching for Room
muc#roomconfig_roomadminsjid-multiFull List of Room Admins
muc#roomconfig_roomdesctext-singleShort Description of Room
muc#roomconfig_roomnametext-singleNatural-Language Room Name
muc#roomconfig_roomownersjid-multiFull List of Room Owners
muc#roomconfig_roomsecrettext-privateThe Room Password
muc#roomconfig_whoislist-singleAffiliations that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants


Forms enabling authorization of subscriptions to pubsub nodes

Defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

Field NameTypeDescription
pubsub#allowbooleanWhether to allow the subscription
pubsub#subidtext-singleThe SubID of the subscription
pubsub#nodetext-singleThe NodeID of the relevant node
pubsub#subscriber_jidjid-singleThe address (JID) of the subscriber


Forms enabling configuration of subscription options for pubsub nodes

Defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

Field NameTypeDescription
pubsub#deliverbooleanWhether an entity wants to receive or disable notifications
pubsub#digestbooleanWhether an entity wants to receive digests (aggregations) of notifications or all notifications individually
pubsub#digest_frequencytext-singleThe minimum number of milliseconds between sending any two notification digests
pubsub#expiretext-singleThe DateTime at which a leased subscription will end or has ended
pubsub#include_bodybooleanWhether an entity wants to receive an XMPP message body in addition to the payload format
pubsub#show-valueslist-multiThe presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications


Forms enabling setting of meta-data information about pubsub nodes

Defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

Field NameTypeDescription
pubsub#contactjid-multiThe JIDs of those to contact with questions
pubsub#creation_datetext-singleThe datetime when the node was created
pubsub#creatorjid-singleThe JID of the node creator
pubsub#descriptiontext-singleA description of the node
pubsub#languagetext-singleThe default language of the node
pubsub#num_subscriberstext-singleThe number of subscribers to the node
pubsub#ownerjid-multiThe JIDs of those with an affiliation of owner
pubsub#publisherjid-multiThe JIDs of those with an affiliation of publisher
pubsub#titletext-singleThe name of the node
pubsub#typetext-singlePayload type


Forms enabling configuration of pubsub nodes

Defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

Field NameTypeDescription
pubsub#access_modellist-singleWho may subscribe and retrieve items
pubsub#body_xslttext-singleThe URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.
pubsub#collectiontext-singleThe collection with which a node is affiliated
pubsub#contactjid-multiThe JIDs of those to contact with questions
pubsub#dataform_xslttext-singleThe URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine
pubsub#deliver_notificationsbooleanWhether to deliver event notifications
pubsub#deliver_payloadsbooleanWhether to deliver payloads with event notifications; applies only to leaf nodes
pubsub#itemreplylist-singleWhether owners or publisher should receive replies to items
pubsub#children_association_policylist-singleWho may associate leaf nodes with a collection
pubsub#children_association_whitelistjid-multiThe list of JIDs that may associate leaf nodes with a collection
pubsub#childrentext-multiThe child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection
pubsub#children_maxtext-singleThe maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with a collection
pubsub#max_itemstext-singleThe maximum number of items to persist
pubsub#max_payload_sizetext-singleThe maximum payload size in bytes
pubsub#node_typelist-singleWhether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection
pubsub#notify_configbooleanWhether to notify subscribers when the node configuration changes
pubsub#notify_deletebooleanWhether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted
pubsub#notify_retractbooleanWhether to notify subscribers when items are removed from the node
pubsub#notify_subbooleanWhether to notify owners about new subscribers and unsubscribes
pubsub#persist_itemsbooleanWhether to persist items to storage
pubsub#presence_based_deliverybooleanWhether to deliver notifications to available users only
pubsub#publish_modellist-singleThe publisher model
pubsub#replyroomjid-multiThe specific multi-user chat rooms to specify for replyroom
pubsub#replytojid-multiThe specific JID(s) to specify for replyto
pubsub#roster_groups_allowedlist-multiThe roster group(s) allowed to subscribe and retrieve items
pubsub#send_last_published_itemlist-singleWhen to send the last published item
pubsub#subscribebooleanWhether to allow subscriptions
pubsub#titletext-singleA friendly name for the node
pubsub#typetext-singleThe type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any); MAY be list-single rather than text-single


Forms enabling publication with options; each field must specify whether it defines METADATA to be attached to the item, a per-item OVERRIDE of the node configuration, or a PRECONDITION to be checked against the node configuration.

Defined in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.

Field NameTypeDescription
pubsub#access_modellist-singlePrecondition: node configuration with the specified access model


Forms used for remote controlling clients

Defined in XEP-0146: Remote Controllling Clients.

Field NameTypeDescription
auto-authbooleanWhether to automatically authorize subscription requests
auto-filesbooleanWhether to automatically accept file transfers
auto-msgbooleanWhether to automatically open new messages
auto-offlinebooleanWhether to automatically go offline when idle
soundsbooleanWhether to play sounds
fileslist-multiA list of pending file transfers
groupchatslist-multiA list of joined groupchat rooms
statuslist-singleA presence or availability status
status-messagetext-multiThe status message text
status-prioritytext-singleThe new priority for the client

11. jabber:iq:register

Standardization of fields related to in-band registration.

Defined in XEP-0077: In-Band Registration.

Field NameTypeDescription
addresstext-singleStreet portion of a physical or mailing address
answershiddennumber of answers required
audio_recogtext-singletext associated with a sound
challengehiddenchallenge ID
citytext-singleLocality portion of a physical or mailing address
emailtext-singleEmail address of the user
firsttext-singleGiven name of the user
lasttext-singleFamily name of the user
nametext-singleFull name of the user
nicktext-singleFamiliar name of the user
ocrtext-singlecode appearing in an image
passwordtext-privatePassword or secret for the user
picture_qtext-singleanswer associated with a picture
picture_recogtext-singletext associated with a picture
qatext-singleanswer to a question
SHA-256text-singleleast significant bits of SHA-256 hash of text should equal hexadecimal label
sidhiddenstanza ID
speech_qtext-singleanswer associated with speech
speech_recogtext-singletext associated with speech
statetext-singleRegion portion of a physical or mailing address
usernametext-singleAccount name associated with the user
video_qtext-singleanswer associated with a video
video_recogtext-singletext associated with a video
ziptext-singlePostal code portion of a physical or mailing address

12. jabber:iq:register:cancel

Standardization of fields related to cancellation use case.

Defined in XEP-0077.

Field NameTypeDescription
passwordtext-privatePassword or secret for the user
usernametext-singleAccount name associated with the user

13. jabber:iq:register:changepassword

Standardization of fields related to change password use case.

Defined in XEP-0077.

Field NameTypeDescription
old_passwordtext-privateOld password for the user
passwordtext-privateDesired password for the user
usernametext-singleAccount name associated with the user

14. jabber:iq:search

Forms enabling directory searches.

Defined in XEP-0055: Jabber Search.

Field NameTypeDescription
firsttext-singleGiven Name
lasttext-singleFamily Name
emailtext-singleEmail Address

15. urn:xmpp:captcha

Forms enabling the use of CAPTCHAs.

Defined in XEP-0158.

Field NameTypeDescription
answershiddennumber of answers required
audio_recogtext-singletext associated with a sound
challengehiddenchallenge ID
fromhiddento attribute of stanza that triggered challenge
ocrtext-singlecode appearing in an image
picture_qtext-singleanswer associated with a picture
picture_recogtext-singletext associated with a picture
qatext-singleanswer to a question
SHA-256text-singleleast significant bits of SHA-256 hash of text should equal hexadecimal label
sidhiddenstanza ID
speech_qtext-singleanswer associated with speech
speech_recogtext-singletext associated with speech
video_qtext-singleanswer associated with a video
video_recogtext-singletext associated with a video

16. urn:xmpp:ssn

Forms enabling negotation of a one-to-one chat session between two entities.

Defined in XEP-0155: Stanza Session Negotiation.

Field NameTypeDescription
acceptbooleanWhether to accept the invitation
continuetext-singleAnother resource with which to continue the session
disclosurelist-singleDisclosure of content, decryption keys or identities may send Chat State Notifications per XEP-0085 allowed to use XHTML-IM formatting per XEP-0071
languagelist-singlePrimary written language of the chat (each value appears in order of preference and conforms to RFC 4646 and the IANA registry)
logginglist-singleWhether allowed to log messages (i.e., whether Off-The-Record mode is required)
renegotiatebooleanWhether to renegotiate the session
securitylist-singleMinimum security level
terminatebooleanWhether to terminate the session
urn:xmpp:receiptsbooleanWhether to enable Message Receipts per XEP-0184

Revision History

2009-04-06 Added missing jabber:iq:register:cancel and jabber:iq:register:changepassword FORM_TYPEs from XEP-0077. (psa)

2008-09-03 Added CAPTCHA form type and CAPTCHA-related fields for registration form type. (psa)

2007-09-27 Added pubsub-options form type. (psa)

2007-01-31 Added server contact addresses registration from XEP-0157. (psa)

2007-01-17 Added chat session negotiation registration from XEP-0155. (psa)

2006-07-05 Corrected pubsub registration. (psa)

2006-03-23 Added registration from XEP-0146. (psa)

2004-01-18 Registrations from XEP-0055 and XEP-0060. (psa)

2003-12-31 Initial version (registrations from XEP-0045 and XEP-0077). (psa)