Abstract: | This specification defines the nature and handling of collection nodes in the XMPP publish-subscribe extension. |
Authors: | Peter Saint-Andre, Ralph Meijer, Brian Cully |
Copyright: | © 1999 – 2018 XMPP Standards Foundation. SEE LEGAL NOTICES. |
Status: | Deferred |
Type: | Standards Track |
Version: | 0.2.1 |
Last Updated: | 2018-11-03 |
WARNING: This document has been automatically Deferred after 12 months of inactivity in its previous Experimental state. Implementation of the protocol described herein is not recommended for production systems. However, exploratory implementations are encouraged to resume the standards process.
1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Glossary
4. Preliminaries
4.1. Collection Nodes
5. Entity Use Cases
5.1. Discovering Support for Collection Nodes
5.2. Discover Nodes
5.2.1. Request
5.2.2. Success Case
5.3. Notifications
5.3.1. Generating Notifications for Collections Notifications about Items Notifications about Nodes
5.3.2. Node Association and Dissociation Including Node Meta-Data
6. Subscriber Use Cases
6.1. Subscribe to a Collection Node
6.1.1. Request
6.1.2. Success Case
6.1.3. Error Cases
6.2. Retrieving Items on Collection Nodes
6.2.1. Request
6.2.2. Success Case
6.2.3. Error Cases
7. Owner Use Cases
7.1. Create a New Collection Node
7.1.1. Request
7.1.2. Success Case
7.1.3. Error Cases Collection Nodes Unsupported Collection Nodes Can't be Created Entity is not Authorized
7.2. Configuring a Collection Node
7.2.1. Request
7.2.2. Success Case
7.2.3. Error Cases Configuring a Leaf Node with Children Entity is not Authorized Maximum Number of Children Exceeded Changing Node Types Creating a Cycle in the Collection
7.3. Deleting a Collection Node
7.3.1. Request
7.3.2. Success Case
7.3.3. Error Cases Deleting the Root Node
7.4. Associating a Node to a Collection
7.4.1. Request
7.4.2. Success Case
7.4.3. Error Cases Entity is not Authorized Maximum Number of Children Exceeded Creating a Cycle in the Collection
7.5. Dissociating a Node from a Collection
7.5.1. Request
7.5.2. Success Case
7.5.3. Error Cases Node is not Associated Entity is not Authorized
8. Implementation Notes
8.1. Root Node
8.2. Handling Collection Node Deletion
8.3. Updating Node Configuration When Associating or Dissociating Nodes
9. Security Considerations
9.1. Access Models
10. IANA Considerations
11. XMPP Registrar Considerations
11.1. Service Discovery Features
11.2. Field Standardization
11.3. SHIM Headers
12. XML Schema
13. Acknowledgements
A: Document Information
B: Author Information
C: Legal Notices
D: Relation to XMPP
E: Discussion Venue
F: Requirements Conformance
G: Notes
H: Revision History
Publish-Subscribe (XEP-0060) [1] defines an XMPP protocol extension for generic publish-subscribe features. However, it only allows notifications from nodes to which an entity is directly subscribed. It is useful in some circumstances to describe a relationship between nodes so that a publish on one node may be delivered via another node. For instance, if an entity is interested in notifications from a set of nodes the entity would discover each node somehow and then subscribe to them. With collection nodes, the entity would subscribe only to the collection which links the desired nodes, simplifying the subscription process.
In addition to simplifying the subscriber's usage, collection nodes also allow the owner to describe almost any type of relationship between nodes. Using various access models on different nodes the owner can also create almost any desired authorization semantics on a set of leaf nodes.
Note: Any use cases not described herein are described in XEP-0060. Also, this document does not show error flows related to the generic publish-subscribe use cases referenced herein, since they are exhaustively defined in XEP-0060. The reader is referred to XEP-0060 for all relevant protocol details related to the XMPP publish-subscribe extension.
This documents addresses the common requirements regarding configuration, publishing, subscribing, and notification semantics of collection nodes.
The following terms are used in this document to refer to collection node-specific features.
Note: some of these terms are specified in greater detail within the body of this document.
Collection nodes link nodes together to unify notifications from a set of collection or leaf nodes. An entity can subscribe to the collection and receive notifications of any associated leaf nodes.
A collection node can link with any other node in order to create a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Collection nodes MUST NOT be linked in such a way as to produce a cyclic graph (i.e., they cannot link to nodes that eventually link back to the initial node).
Collection nodes only contain other nodes and MUST NOT contain published items (therefore a collection MUST NOT support the "publish" feature or related features such as "persistent-items").
An entity might wish to discover if a service implements collection nodes; in order to do so, it sends a service discovery information ("disco#info") query to the component's JID using Service Discovery (XEP-0030) [2]. If a service supports collection nodes it MUST return a "pubsub#collections" feature. In addition, if the service supports associating a node with more than one collection it MUST return a feature of "pubsub#multi-collections".
Example 1. Entity requests features from a service
<iq type='get' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='info1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/> </iq>
Example 2. Service responds with support for collections
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='info1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'> ... <feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#collections'/> <feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#multi-collections'/> ... </query> </iq>
The service discovery items ("disco#items") protocol enables an entity to query a service for a list of associated items, which, in the case of collection nodes would consist of the children associated with a given node.
Example 3. Entity requests child node discovery
<iq type='get' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='disco1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items' node='blogs'/> </iq>
Example 4. Service responds with child nodes
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='disco1'> <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items' node='blogs'> <item node='Romeoance' name='Letters to my Beloved' jid='pubsub.shakespeare.lit'/> <item node='Julliennui' name='A Rose by Another Name' jid='pubsub.shakespeare.lit'/> </query> </iq>
If a notification on a child node is created and then delivered via the collection then the notifications generated by the service MUST contain additional information. The 'node' attribute of the <item/> or <node/> element contained in the notification message MUST specify the node identifier of the node that generated the notification (not the collection) and the <message/> stanza MUST contain Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (XEP-0131) [3] that specifies the node identifier of the collection.
Note: The delivery options (such as "pubsub#deliver_payloads") are determined by the publishing leaf node, not by the collection node. If the owner of a collection node sets delivery options for a collection node, the service SHOULD ignore those options and apply the options set for the leaf node that publishes an item.
Item notifications are notifications about the contents of a leaf node, and are generated by a publish, retract, or purge request.
Example 5. Subscriber receives a publish notification from a collection
<message to='francisco@denmark.lit' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit'> <event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'> <items node='princely_musings'> <item id='ae890ac52d0df67ed7cfdf51b644e901'> ... </item> </items> </event> <headers xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/shim'> <header name='Collection'>blogs</header> </headers> </message>
Node notifications are notifications about nodes themselves, and are generated by a create, delete, or configure request.
Example 6. Subscriber receives a creation notification from a collection
<message to='francisco@denmark.lit' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit'> <event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'> <create node='princely_musings'/> </event> <headers xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/shim'> <header name='Collection'>blogs</header> </headers> </message>
If a collection node is configured to send notification of node associations and disassociations, the service shall send an event that contains a <collection/> element whose 'node' attribute specifies the NodeID of the collection; this element in turn contains an <associate/> or <dissociate/> element whose 'node' attribute specifies the NodeID of node that has been associated with the collection.
Example 7. Notification of node association
<message from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='newnode1'> <event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'> <collection node='some-collection'> <associate node='new-node-id'> </collection> </event> </message>
Example 8. Notification of node dissociation
<message from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='newnode1'> <event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'> <collection node='some-collection'> <dissociate node='old-node-id'> </collection> </event> </message>
The notification event MAY also include the node metadata, formatted using the Data Forms (XEP-0004) [4] protocol.
Example 9. Notification of node association
<message from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='newnode2'> <event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'> <collection node='some-collection'> <associate node='new-node-id'> <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='result'> <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'> <value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#metadata</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#creation_date'> <value>2003-07-29T22:56Z</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#creator'> <value>hamlet@denmark.lit</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#description'> <value>Atom feed for my blog.</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#language'> <value>en</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#contact'> <value>bard@shakespeare.lit</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#owner'> <value>hamlet@denmark.lit</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#title'> <value>Princely Musings (Atom).</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#type' ><value>http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom</value> </field> </x> </node> </collection> </event> </message>
A service that implements collection nodes SHOULD allow entities to subscribe to collection nodes (subject to access models and local security policies).
In addition to the subscription configuration options already defined in XEP-0060, there are two subscription configuration options specific to collection nodes:
This subscription option enables the subscriber to subscribe either to notifications about items or notifications about nodes.
If the subscription type is "items", the subscriber shall be notified whenever any node contained in the collection has an item published to it, retracted from it, or the node is purged, as modified by the value of the "pubsub#subscription_depth" option.
If the subscription type is "nodes", the subscriber shall be notified whenever a new node is added to the collection, removed from the collection, or the configuration of a node within the collection has changed, as modified by the value of the "pubsub#subscription_depth" option.
If the subscription type is "all", the subscriber shall be notified about both "items" and "nodes" types of events, as modified by the value of the "pubsub#subscription_depth" option.
The default value of this subscription option SHOULD be "nodes".
This subscription option enables the subscriber to specify how far to traverse the node graph when determining whether a notification will be sent. It may be any integer value, 0 or greater, or the value "all" which means that any node within the collection will generate a notification.
The default value of this subscription option SHOULD be "1".
In order to subscribe to a collection node, an entity MUST send a subscription request to the node; the subscription request MAY include subscription options, but this is not strictly necessary (especially if the entity does not wish to override the default settings for the "pubsub#subscription_type" and "pubsub#subscription_depth" options).
Example 10. Entity subscribes to a collection node (no configuration)
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='collsub1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <subscribe jid='francisco@denmark.lit' node='blogs'/> </pubsub> </iq>
The subscriber will now receive notification of new first-level nodes created within the "blogs" collection.
Example 11. Entity subscribes to a collection node (with configuration)
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='collsub1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <subscribe jid='francisco@denmark.lit' node='blogs'/> <options> <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'> <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'> <value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#subscription_type'> <value>items</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#subscription_depth'> <value>all</value> </field> </x> </options> </pubsub> </iq>
If the service allows the subscription it MUST inform the requesting entity that it is now subscribed.
Example 12. Service responds with success
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='collsub1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <subscription node='blogs' jid='francisco@denmark.lit' subscription='subscribed'/> </pubsub> </iq>
A service MAY allow an entity to subscribe to a collection node in two ways, once with a subscription of type "nodes" (to receive notification of any new nodes added to the collection or the entire tree) and once with a subscription of type "items" (to receive all items published within the tree). However, a service SHOULD NOT allow an entity to subscribe twice to a collection node (once with a subscription depth of "1" and once with a subscription depth of "all") for the same subscription type, since two such subscriptions are unnecessary (a depth of "all" includes by definition a depth of "1"); in this case the service SHOULD return a <conflict/> error to the requesting entity.
Example 13. Service does not allow mulitple subscriptions to the same node
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='collsub1'> <error type='cancel'> <conflict xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
Depending on the nature of the node graph, a subscription type of "items" and depth of "all" may result in an extremely large number of notifications. Therefore, a service MAY disallow such a combination of subscription options, in which case it MUST return a <not-allowed/> error to the requesting entity.
Example 14. Service does not allow requested options
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='collsub1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
When an entity requests items on a collection node the service SHOULD return the items on any leaf nodes associated with it subject to the access model of the collection node.
Example 15. Subscriber requests all items on a collection
<iq type='get' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='items1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <items node='blogs'/> </pubsub> </iq>
When a collection contains multiple nodes with items it MUST return multiple <items/> elements, one per node.
Example 16. Service returns items on leaf nodes
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='items1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <items node='Romeoance'> <item id='368866411b877c30064a5f62b917cffe'> ... </item> </items> <items node='Julliennui'> <item id='3300659945416e274474e469a1f0154c'> ... </item> </items> </pubsub> </iq>
Depending on the nature of the node graph it may be expensive to allow item retrieval from a collection node. Therefore the service MAY disallow item retrieval via collection nodes, in which case it MUST return a <feature-not-implemented/> error to the requesting entity.
Example 17. Service cannot fulfil request
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='items1'> <error type='cancel'> <feature-not-implemented xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
To create a new collection node, the requesting entity MUST include a Data Form containing a "pubsub#node_type" field whose <value/> element contains "collection". The default value for "pubsub#node_type" SHOULD be "leaf".
Example 18. Entity requests a new collection node
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='create3'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <create node='announcements'/> <configure> <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'> <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'> <value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#node_type'><value>collection</value></field> </x> </configure> </pubsub> </iq>
Example 19. Service responds with success
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='create3'/>
In addition to the errors already defined for leaf node creation, there are several reasons why the collection node creation request might fail:
These error cases are described more fully in the following sections.
If the service does not support collection nodes, it MUST respond with a <feature-not-implemented/> error, specifying a pubsub-specific error condition of <unsupported/> and a feature of "collections".
Example 20. Service does not support collection nodes
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='create3'> <error type='cancel'> <feature-not-implemented xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <unsupported xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors' feature='collections'/> </error> </iq>
If the service supports collection nodes but does not allow new collection nodes to be created, it MUST respond with a <not-allowed/> error.
Example 21. Service does not allow creation of collection nodes
<iq type='error' from='hamlet@denmark.lit/elsinore' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='create3'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
If the requesting entity has insufficient privileges to create new collections, the service MUST respond with a <forbidden/> error.
Example 22. Requesting entity has insufficient privileges to create collection nodes
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='create3'> <error type='auth'> <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
In addition to the node configuration options specified in XEP-0060, there are three additional node configuration options that a service which supports collection nodes MUST supply.
Whether this is a "leaf" or "collection" node.
The parents of this node.
The children of this node.
To associate the root node to the collection the <value/> element MUST be empty.
A service MAY offer some node configuration options that are specific to collection nodes and SHOULD NOT be provided in configuration forms related to leaf nodes. The following are RECOMMENDED:
The policy regarding who may associate child nodes with the collection (values: all, owner, whitelist).
The whitelist of entities that may associate child nodes with the collection.
The maximum number of child nodes that may be associated with a collection.
Example 23. Entity configures a collection node
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='config1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'> <configure node='blogs'> <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'> <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'> <value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#node_type'> <value>collection</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#children'> <value>Romeoance</value> <value>Julliennui</value> </field> <field var='pubsub#collection'> <value/> </field> </x> </configure> </pubsub> </iq>
Example 24. Service successfully updates configuration
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'/>
Leaf nodes only contain published items and MUST NOT have any children. If an entity attempts to add children to a leaf node (either via "pubsub#children" on the leaf node or "pubsub#collection" on another node) the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error with a pubsub-specific error condition of <invalid-options/>.
Example 25. Attempt to add a leaf node as the parent of another node
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <invalid-options xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
If the requesting entity is not authorized to add the node to a collection then the service MUST return a <forbidden/> error.
Example 26. Entity is not authorized to add node to a collection
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'> <error type='cancel'> <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
If the configuration would exceed the maximum number of children allowed on a node, either because the node's "pubsub#children" exceeds its own "pubsub#children_max" value or because adding this node to a parent via "pubsub#collection" would exceed the parent's "pubsub#children_max" value, the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error with a pubsub-specific error condition of <max-nodes-exceeded/>.
Example 27. Node would contain too many children
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <max-nodes-exceeded xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
The service MUST NOT allow the node type to be changed. If it is attempted the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error, specifying a pubsub-specific error condition of <invalid-options/>
Example 28. Attempt to change node type
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <invalid-options xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
The service MUST NOT allow a cycle to be created in the node graph (e.g., node A to B to C to A). If an entity attempts to submit a configuration that would create a cycle the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error, specifying a pubsub-specific error condition of <invalid-options/>.
Example 29. Cycle created in node graph
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='config1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <invalid-options xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
If a service supports collection node creation it MUST support collection node deletion.
Example 30. Owner attempts to delete a collection node
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='delete1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'> <delete node='blogs'/> </pubsub> </iq>
If no error occurs, the service MUST inform the owner of success.
Example 31. Collection node was deleted
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='delete1'/>
If the requesting entity attempts to delete the root node, the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error.
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='delete1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
A service MAY allow collection nodes to have children associated with them without changing the rest of the configuration. If the service allows this an entity can send and <associate/> element with a 'node' attribute that contains the child node within a <collection/> element that posesses a 'node' attribute containing the parent node to the service.
Example 33. Entity requests node association
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='assoc1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'> <collection node='some-collection'> <associate node='new-child-node'/> </collection> </pubsub> </iq>
If the service allows the node association then it MUST confirm the association with an empty result.
Example 34. Service associates the node
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='assoc1'/>
Example 35. Entity is not authorized to associate the node
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='assoc1'> <error type='cancel'> <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
If the configuration would exceed the maximum number of children allowed on a node, either because the node's "pubsub#children" exceeds its own "pubsub#children_max" value or because adding this node to a parent via "pubsub#collection" would exceed the parent's "pubsub#children_max" value, the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error with a pubsub-specific error condition of <max-nodes-exceeded/>.
Example 36. Node would contain too many children
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='assoc1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <max-nodes-exceeded xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
The service MUST NOT allow a cycle to be created in the node graph (e.g., node A to B to C to A). If an entity attempts to submit a configuration that would create a cycle the service MUST return a <not-allowed/> error, specifying a pubsub-specific error condition of <invalid-options/>.
Example 37. Cycle created in node graph
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='assoc1'> <error type='cancel'> <not-allowed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> <invalid-options xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors'/> </error> </iq>
A service MAY allow collection nodes to have children dissociated from them without changing the rest of the configuration. If the service allows this an entity can send and <dissociate/> element with a 'node' attribute that contains the child node within a <collection/> element that posesses a 'node' attribute containing the parent node to the service.
Example 38. Entity requests node dissociation
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='dissoc1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'> <collection node='some-collection'> <dissociate node='old-child-node'/> </collection> </pubsub> </iq>
If the service allows the node dissociation then it MUST confirm the association with an empty result.
Example 39. Service dissociates the node
<iq type='result' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='dissoc1'/>
If a dissociation is requested between two nodes that are not already associated then the service MUST return a <bad-request/> error.
Example 40. Node is not associated
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='dissoc1'> <error type='modify'> <bad-request xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
Example 41. Entity is not authorized to dissociate the node
<iq type='error' from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' id='dissoc1'> <error type='cancel'> <forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/> </error> </iq>
To provide a starting point for service discovery a service SHOULD support a root node. A root node represents the node belonging to a given service and MUST be identified by the lack of a node identifier (i.e., the address of the pubsub service itself, such as "pubsub.shakespeare.lit"). Because the root node is owned by the service itself an entity SHOULD NOT be allowed create, delete, or configure the root node.
If a node is created or configured without any parents specified, a service MAY automatically associate otherwise orphaned nodes directly to the root node. If a service automatically associates a node with the root it MUST reflect that in the node configuration data form.
Example 42. Entity subscribes to the root node
<iq type='set' from='francisco@denmark.lit/barracks' to='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' id='root1'> <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'> <subscribe jid='francisco@denmark.lit'/> </pubsub> </iq>
Deletion of collection nodes can have a number of side effects due to implementation. Depending on the nature of the collection any of the following MAY happen when a collection node is deleted:
Node configuration MUST always reflect the current state of the node graph. Because node configuration contains both a pointer to its parents as well as its children an update to a primary node's "pubsub#collection" value will change the value of the secondary node's "pubsub#children" value, and vice-versa. A service MAY send a notification of the configuration change on the secondary node to subscribers if "pubsub#notify_config" is enabled on the secondary node.
Collection nodes can be used to associate almost any node within the service, but only the access model of the collection node itself is used to determine what an entity is allowed to see. Therefore care should be taken that nodes are not linked in such a way as to leak private data (e.g., from a "closed" leaf node through an "open" collection) unless that behavior is specifically desired.
This document requires no interaction with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) [5].
Note: These options are in addition to the standard options described in XEP-0060 and related XEPs.
<var> <name>pubsub#collections</name> <desc>Support for collection nodes</desc> <doc>XEP-0248</doc> </var> <var> <name>pubsub#multi-collections</name> <desc>Support for multiple collections on a node</desc> <doc>XEP-0248</doc> </var>
<form_type> <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options</name> <doc>XEP-0248</doc> <desc>Options for collection node subscription</desc> <field var='pubsub#subscription_depth' type='text-single'> label='How far to traverse the node graph for notifications'/> <field var='pubsub#subscription_type' type='list-single'> <option label='Receive notification of items only'> items </option> <option label='Receive notification of nodes only'> nodes </option> <option label='Receive notification of items and nodes'> all </option> </field> </form_type> <form_type> <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</name> <doc>XEP-0248</doc> <desc>Options for collection node configuration</desc> <field var='pubsub#node_type' type='list-single'> <option label='The node contains items'> leaf </option> <option label='The node contains other nodes'> collection </option> </field> <field var='pubsub#collection' type='text-multi' label='The collections of which this node is a child'/> <field var='pubsub#children' type='text-multi' label='The nodes of which this node is a parent'/> <field var='pubsub#children_association_policy' type='list-single'> <option label='Only the owners of this node may associate other nodes to this collection'> owners </option> <option label='Only those on the children association whitelist may associate other nodes to this collection'> whitelist </option> <option label='Anyone may associate nodes with this collection'> all </option> </field> <field var='pubsub#children_association_whitelist' type='jid-multi' label='JIDs who can associate nodes to this collection'/> <field var='pubsub#children_max' type='text-single' label='The maximum number of children for this collection'/> </form_type>
<header> <name>Collection</name> <desc>The node of subscription that sent a notification</desc> <doc>XEP-0248</doc> </header>
Many thanks to Dave Cridland for his feedback and advice.
Series: XEP
Number: 0248
Publisher: XMPP Standards Foundation
Standards Track
Version: 0.2.1
Last Updated: 2018-11-03
Approving Body: XMPP Council
Dependencies: XMPP Core, XEP-0060
Supersedes: None
Superseded By: None
Source Control:
This document in other formats:
The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is defined in the XMPP Core (RFC 6120) and XMPP IM (RFC 6121) specifications contributed by the XMPP Standards Foundation to the Internet Standards Process, which is managed by the Internet Engineering Task Force in accordance with RFC 2026. Any protocol defined in this document has been developed outside the Internet Standards Process and is to be understood as an extension to XMPP rather than as an evolution, development, or modification of XMPP itself.
The primary venue for discussion of XMPP Extension Protocols is the <standards@xmpp.org> discussion list.
Discussion on other xmpp.org discussion lists might also be appropriate; see <http://xmpp.org/about/discuss.shtml> for a complete list.
Errata can be sent to <editor@xmpp.org>.
The following requirements keywords as used in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119: "MUST", "SHALL", "REQUIRED"; "MUST NOT", "SHALL NOT"; "SHOULD", "RECOMMENDED"; "SHOULD NOT", "NOT RECOMMENDED"; "MAY", "OPTIONAL".
1. XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe <https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html>.
2. XEP-0030: Service Discovery <https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html>.
3. XEP-0131: Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata <https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0131.html>.
4. XEP-0004: Data Forms <https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0004.html>.
5. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the central coordinator for the assignment of unique parameter values for Internet protocols, such as port numbers and URI schemes. For further information, see <http://www.iana.org/>.
Note: Older versions of this specification might be available at http://xmpp.org/extensions/attic/
Completely reworked from initial version. To wit:
Initial version, split from XEP-0060.