In a relatively slow week for XMPP-related news:
Web Worker Daily, amongst others, reported on the launch of ‘Deadline’ a web-based reminder service with a plain english interface which uses email and XMPP IM to send reminders of appointments and tasks.
FriendFeed co-founder Bret Taylor joined the Gilmore Gang podcast to talk about their release of XMPP realtime services. The podcast is worth a listen, with the XMPP specific discussions starting at 15:30 into the show.
IBM Blue Spruce
IBM gave ReadWriteWeb a first look at Blue Spruce, a complete browser-based application development platform that the company has been working on for the last 5 months and plans to launch around 2010. Blue Spruce combines a Co-Web Server and a Client Toolkit, which together provide a development platform that enables developers to push their applications to the browser. Server and Client communicate using XMPP. Slightly more detail can be found in an article on CMS Wire.