XMPP at Google Summer of Code 2023

 Posted on February 27, 2023 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  XMPP Communication Team and Contributors

XSF and Google Summer of Code 2023 The XSF has been accepted again as hosting organisation at the Google Summer of Code 2023! Now both students and open-source newcomers are invited to consider and review a participation and prepare for the application phase. We would like to invite you to review XMPP projects that signed up with their ideas for this year. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code 2022 at XSF: Converse.js - Mid Term Evaluation Update

 Posted on August 13, 2022 |  5 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  PawBud

It’s been a month since I wrote my last blog. For those of you who have been following my blogs, thanks a lot for taking the time to read them. In this blog, I will give the updates post mid-term evaluation and the challenges that I have been facing and how I overcame some of them. The Mid-Term Evaluation For those of you who don’t know much about GSoC, a mid-term evaluation was scheduled, where as a contributor you have to fill out a form which had some questions related to your experience with your mentor and the organization administrator so far and the project itself. It barely took me 5-10 minutes to complete the form so there’s that. [Read More]

ConverseJS: An in-depth view into my GSoC'22 project!

 Posted on July 3, 2022 |  2 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  PawBud

In this blog, I will discuss my GSoC project, and post an update about the work done since the GSoC contribution period started. Ok, so I would like to split the whole project in two phases, with the first GSoC evaluation (29th July) as being the divider. Since it’s only been three weeks, I will only write about the first phase of the project. About my project Expected Hours: 175 Hrs(Medium Project) Adding support for Audio/Video Communication via Jingle. Deliverables / Expected Results: The goal is to create a Converse plugin that adds the ability to make one-on-one audio/video calls from Converse The audio/video calls must be compatible with other XMPP clients such as Conversations. Jingle protocol works something like this: [Read More]

On-Boarding Experience with XSF (Converse)

 Posted on June 27, 2022 |  5 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  PawBud

Hi, I am PawBud. I will be working as a GSoC Contributor with XSF. To know more about my project kindly read this blog. Feel free to contact me through my email to ask me anything you want! Before I start, I feel that some things that I am going to write in this blog might offend someone. Kindly note that these thoughts are my own. Once again you are free to contact me through my email if you have anything to say, I would be happy to hear your thoughts. [Read More]

XMPP & Google Summer of Code 2022: Welcome new contributors!

 Posted on May 28, 2022 |  2 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  XSF Organization Administrator (GSoC 2022)

The Google Summer of Code 2022 is about to lift off and coding starts soon! The XSF has not just been accepted (again!) as a hosting organization for XMPP projects, we also can welcome two new contributors who will work on open-source software projects in the XMPP environment! We have updated our designated web-page for the Google Summer of Code 2022 accordingly. [Read More]

XSF's Google Summer of Code 2019 Projects

 Posted on June 17, 2019 |  2 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Flow

The XMPP Standards Foundation is happy to act as umbrella organization for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019. This year we are glad to mentor and support the following three GSoC projects. Prosody plugin installer Student: João Duarte GSoC Blog: https://gsoc-prosody-2019.blogspot.com Project: Prosody - An XMPP server written in Lua Mentors: MattJ, Zash João lives in Portugal and usually studies Aerospace Engineering. This summer he will be developing an integration between Prosody and the LuaRocks package manager and ecosystem,allowing installation and management of third-party Prosody modules via simple commands. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code 2019

 Posted on January 20, 2019 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Flow

We are happy to announce that the XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) is applying as Google Summer of Code (GSoC) organization. Open source projects are now able to add their XMPP-related project ideas to the XMPP GSoC Project Ideas wiki page Interested parties are also invited to join us at gsoc@muc.xmpp.org. Feel free to stop by, ask questions and to discuss your project idea. We welcome everyone, not only those new to GSoC and consider participating. [Read More]

XMPP and the GSoC 2017

 Posted on March 2, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Kev

We’re delighted to have been accepted in the Google Summer of Code yet again. The XSF has participated in GSoC many times in the past, and it’s always great to have the opportunity to work with the enthusiastic and capable students we see and to bring new views and abilities into the community. We’ve got a wide range of projects offering to participate this year, and some great mentors, so this should be a really good year, all we need is the students. The XSF’s ideas list is up at https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Summer_of_Code_2017, and if you’ve got ideas of your own we’ll happily discuss them with you, so if you’re an eligible student please get in touch, we’d love to start talking to you. If you’ve decided you’d like to apply for one of the great projects we have on offer, please proceed to Google’s Getting Started Page. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code 2017

 Posted on February 5, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Guus

As before, the XSF has applied to this year’s Google Summer of Code. The XSF is intending to act as an umbrella organisation for any XMPP-related project that wishes to join the GSoC. If you are a member of such a project and would like your project to be involved, get in touch! A fresh page of project ideas has been created on the XSF wiki. If you’d like to mentor for your project, please get in touch with us in the XSF GSoC MUC Room. [Read More]

XMPP at the end of the Google Summer of Code 2015

 Posted on December 18, 2015 |  4 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Kev

This year we had six students working on disparate projects for GSoC, and we’re delighted that all of them were successful! Here we link to a wrapup blog post from each of the students, and a description of their work from their mentors. We had Adhish Singh working on Internet of Things implementations. His mentor, Joachim, said: Adhish Singla: [Prototyping tools for IoT](http://www.xmpp-iot.org/gsoc/) Adhish started from no XMPP experience and have created 2 graphical interfaces to IoT devices supporting xep 323 and xep 325 (experimental). One as a standalone Cordova mobile application and one as part of the converse.js webpage xmpp client. He also implemented a python history client that is instatiated as another resource on a Device IoT JID and polls the device for momentary values and stores history in db or local storage. So when clients ask for historical data it will in parallell with the originating device return the longtime history as part of the XEP323 history part. The javascript parts was done with crafted IQ messaging but will be enhanced with real plugin usage that is now part of the strophe package. python code will be submitted into SleekXMPP distribution. Converse code is running on the [site](http://www.xmpp-iot.org/). We had Andreas Straub working on end to end encryption in the Conversations client. His mentor Daniel says: [Read More]