(editor’s note: apologies for this appearing now, it got stuck in the publish queue and I did not notice it until I went to publish the Day One Summary that follows. d’oh!)
Next week (July 19th and 20th 2010) the XSF will be having the 9th XMPP Summit at the Oregon Convention Center courtesy of the great folks at O’Reilly who allow us to take over a room during OSCON.
Details can be found on the wiki page.
As in prior years, one of the primary focuses will be an Introduction to XMPP session for anyone wishing to learn (or improve) their XMPP knowledge. One of the primary goals this session will be to perform some client/server interop testing but other break-out sessions always pop up as folks start to get together.
If your going to OSCON 2010, or are in the area, please do stop by.