The XSF will be applying this year to participate in Google’s Summer of Code 2011 and we need the help of XMPP project members in getting a list of summer project ideas together!
So, if you’re an XMPP project and would like to participate in GSoC under the XSF’s umbrella, please visit the Summer of Code 2011 wiki page and start adding ideas of projects you would like to mentor.
If you’re a user of XMPP projects, and have great ideas, please get in contact with the projects and get them excited and involved in the process too.
Let’s get together a list of summer projects that will excite and attract new long-term developers to the protocol we know and love, and hope that Google approve our application again!
Once we’ve got a list of ideas in, we’ll vet them and produce a list of proposals for students interested in the XSF.
Your GSoC Org Admin, bear (Mike Taylor) bear (at) xmpp (dot) org