XMPP in all languages! 03 Dec 2019

 Posted on December 3, 2019 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  nyco

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter covering the month of November 2019. Help us sustain this as a community effort, of which process is fully documented. Articles Edivaldo Brito has written in Portugese “Como instalar o moderno cliente Jabber/XMPP Dino no Linux via Snap” (“How to install the modern Jabber/XMPP Dino client on Linux via Snap”). Last month, the XMPP newsletter has been translated by community members: French: Lettre d’information XMPP, 8 novembre 2019, sprints, IoT et le début de Twitter German: XMPP Newsletter, 08.[Read More]

XMPP Newsletter, 08 Nov 2019, Sprints, IoT, and early Twitter

 Posted on November 8, 2019 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  nyco

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter covering the month of October 2019. This is a community effort, and the process is fully documented: please help us spread the word, share this newsletter. Articles QuickBlox has written a blog post about the use of XMPP in 2019. Martin aka debacle wrote an short piece about Dino and other updated software in Debian. Ben Kwiecien rediscovered XMPP after years and compared ejabberd and Prosody in setting up a mobile friendly server.[Read More]

XMPP Newsletter, 01 Oct 2019, FOSDEM 2020, modernization of XMPP, peer networks

 Posted on October 1, 2019 |  4 minutes |  Newsletter |  nyco

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter covering the month of September. New this month: we’ve made explicit that this newsletter can be shared and adapted as defined by the CC by-sa 4.0 license, and we’ve added the credits as this is a community effort. Be kind, inform your friends and colleagues: forward this newsletter! Please submit your XMPP/Jabber articles, tutorials or blog posts on our wiki. Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter Subscribe Articles Ralph Meijer, chairman of the Board of Directors of the XSF, has written an introductory piece about “XMPP Message Attaching, Fastening, References”, specifications currently in progress.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 03 September 2019

 Posted on September 3, 2019 |  5 minutes |  Newsletter |  nyco

Welcome to the September edition of the XMPP Newsletter! Loads of news for these two months of July and August: two events in Lyon and Stockholm (more to come), new tools, new server releases (Openfire, ejabberd), lots of client releases (Kaidan, Salut à Toi, Xabber Android, Movim, Converse, Beagle IM and Siskin IM). We also experiment a new section about XEP, or specifications. Please submit your XMPP/Jabber articles, tutorials or blog posts on our wiki.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 28 June 2019

 Posted on June 28, 2019 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to a bumper edition of the the XMPP newsletter, containing news from the last two months. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Mickaël Rémond from ProcessOne has written about how the Nintendo Switch uses ejabberd for push notifications. He explains why XMPP was chosen as protocol, why ejabberd was chosen as the server and the performance tuning they had to do so that the Nintendo Switch push service can now handle 10 million simultaneous connections and 2 billion messages per day.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 3 May 2019

 Posted on May 3, 2019 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Rafał Leśniak published an interesting write-up about the challenges faced by a Forward Health, a UK based messaging platform for healthcare, which migrated from a third party chat solution to a custom XMPP-based one. It’s an interesting read with insights into how XMPP is perceived by newcomers to the protocol.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 3 April 2019

 Posted on April 3, 2019 |  1 minutes |  Newsletter |  Seve

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News A design job has been posted at the Open Source Design community for Compliance Suite badges. It is an initiative that aims to create graphic elements for developers to use on their clients and servers to be able to identify compliance levels of such software.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 28 February 2019

 Posted on February 28, 2019 |  2 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News FOSDEM In the beginning of February was the annual FOSDEM19 conference in Brussels which was well attended by XMPP enthusiasts and where 5 different talks related to XMPP were held. The videos for the FOSDEM presentations have been released: XMPP Beyond Instant Messaging In this talk Jérôme Poisson (Goffi) shows how XMPP can be used to build non-IM applications, such as a blog engine, file sharing, a code forge, a universal remote controller and even a decentralized web framework on top of XMPP.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 31 January 2019

 Posted on January 31, 2019 |  2 minutes |  Newsletter |  Seve, jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. This week in Brussels we held the UI/UX Sprint, the 23rd XMPP Summit and over the weekend many XMPP developers and enthusiasts will attend FOSDEM19. Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter Subscribe News The XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) is applying as Google Summer of Code organization and open source projects are invited to submit project ideas.[Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 4 January 2019

 Posted on January 4, 2019 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Happy 2019 and welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Today is Jabber’s 20th anniversary! Jabber would later be standardized and renamed to XMPP. If you’d like a trip down memory lane, have a look at this 2001 Linux Magazine interview with Jeremie Miller or the original Slashdot release announcement by him on 4 January 1999.[Read More]