Elbe-Sprint Hamburg 2023 - Source: Wiki Commons, Container terminals in port of Hamburg
A new sprint is being organised within the XMPP Community: The Elbe-Sprint Hamburg!
We will have several days of good and fruitful exchange and projects. Many thanks to the Chaos Computer Club Hansestadt Hamburg (CCCHH) for offering their space!
The sprint will be all around XMPP and offer the opportunity to meet, present, discuss, but also work on your projects and implementations. Of course, the event is open to general newcomers, XMPP users and any interested party. If you’re planning to attend, signing up would help us organise things.
Date & Time
Thursday, 22-06-2023 18:00 CEST — Sunday, 25-06-2023 12:00 CEST
CCC Hansestadt Hamburg e.V.
Zeiseweg 9
Viktoria-Kaserne, mittlerer Osten, 1. OG, Raum 2 (mid east building area, 1st floor (= first level above the ground), room 2)
22765 Hamburg
Organisational & Attendance
If you plan to join us, please add yourself to the list of participants. Adding yourself to the list will help us organise everything - thanks! If you don’t have a wiki account, please reach out via chat (see below).
Chat & Communication
It’s recommended to join the chat and say hello if you are interested: XMPP Chat & WebChat Feel free to share via Mastodon or Twitter!
Looking forward to meet you,
— The organiser, Eddie