XSF Membership Application Period for Q4 is open

 Posted on November 8, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The XMPP Standards Foundation is currently accepting applications for new members. Why apply? Help the XSF with technical reviews and communication efforts Help elect the XMPP Council, or run for the Council in the future (council candidates must be XSF members) Help the XSF stay true to its mission of building an open, secure, feature-rich, decentralized infrastructure for real-time communication and collaboration over the Internet Application instructions are available here: http://wiki.[Read More]

Annual Meeting Summary

 Posted on November 3, 2010 |  2 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

XSF Member Jehan posted this summary to the members mailing list: Thus the XSF Board and Council members for 2010/2011 shall be elected this 25th of October 2010. And so they were. As a reminder, the Board is the entity representing externally the XMPP Standards Foundation, in particular in business relations. As for the Council, its members approve the XMPP Extension Protocols, after having been carefully discussed on the various discussion lists and listened to the opinions of our technical readers, whereas they may be XSF members or not, renowned experts or students, or even you, behind your screen.[Read More]

Board and Council Elections 2010

 Posted on September 28, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  willsheward

In accordance with the XSF Bylaws, once a year the XMPP Standards Foundation holds elections for its Board of Directors and for the XMPP Council. Elections for the 2010-2011 Board and Council will be held on October 25, 2010 (with proxy voting 1 Oct. - 24 Oct.). If you are interested in running for Board or Council, please add a wiki page about your candidacy to the relevant sections of this page on the XMPP Wiki by the close of business on September 30, 2010.[Read More]

Q1 Membership Drive

 Posted on January 25, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  willsheward

The XMPP Standards Foundation is currently accepting applications for new members. This application period will run until the end of January. Why apply? Help the XSF with technical reviews and communication efforts Help elect the XMPP Council and XSF Board of Directors, or run for the Council yourself (council candidates must be XSF members) Help the XSF stay true to its mission of building an open, secure, feature-rich, decentralized infrastructure for real-time communication and collaboration over the Internet Application instructions are available at http://wiki.[Read More]

Board and Council Elections

 Posted on September 1, 2009 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Once a year, the XMPP Standards Foundation holds elections for its Board of Directors and for the XMPP Council. That time is now, so the XSF is actively soliciting people to stand for election. Here is the division of responsibilities between the two groups: The Board provides business leadership for the XSF by handling things like fundraising, contracts, grants, legal issues, planning the XMPP Summit meetings, and choosing volunteers for various official posts such as the Secretary and Executive Director.[Read More]

Annual Report

 Posted on March 18, 2008 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Regrettably, the XSF has not issued an annual report since 2002. It seems we’re always too busy getting things done to report on our activities. But this year we decided to turn over a new leaf by completing an annual report, available at https://xmpp.org/xsf/docs/annual-report-2007.shtml.

Feedback is welcome, as always.


 Posted on August 15, 2007 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Every year is an election for the XMPP Standards Foundation, because since 2001 we have elected a new XMPP Council (our technical leadership team) and a new Board of Directors (our business leadership team) in late August or September. Naturally, this year is no exception. As XSF Secretary Alexander Gnauck recently announced, we will be holding our election meeting on September 27, although our online voting process will begin on September 8.[Read More]

XSF Membership

 Posted on July 2, 2007 |  3 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Over the weekend, Alexander Gnauck (Secretary of the XSF) posted a notice about the Q3 membership application period. So this seems like a good occasion to explain a bit about how the XMPP Standards Foundation works. The XSF is a non-profit, membership-based, standards-development organization. The non-profit part means that we’re not here to make money. The standards-development part means that our mission is to produce open standards for communication over the Internet.[Read More]