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Easy XMPP: The Challenges

 Posted on August 14, 2017 |  4 minutes |  Easy XMPP |  ge0rg

Over the last years, the XMPP community has had a hard time competing with other Instant Messaging implementations, especially in the mobile / smartphone ecosystems. By focusing a small part of our resources on user experience (UX), we can gain significant improvements. This article is the first in a series of “Easy XMPP” posts: easy ways for application developers to make XMPP easy to use. Complexity of Federation As opposed to most other Instant Messaging solutions, XMPP is a federated protocol. [Read More]

First Kraków XMPP meetup

 Posted on April 28, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Events |  Nÿco

Following and reinforcing the trend of XMPP meetups across Europe (Berlin, Stockholm, London, and Paris), here is Kraków! Tigase and MongooseIM teams will join forces to offer you three presentations: “Why use XMPP for IoT?” by Andrzej Wojcik from Tigase “ICE, STUN, and TURN” by Rafal Slota and Szymon Mentel from Erlang Solutions “Fantastic XMPP use-cases” by Piotr Nosek from Erlang Solutions It will take place on the 10th of May, it is a Wednesday. [Read More]

First Paris XMPP meetup

 Posted on March 23, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Events |  Nÿco

After Berlin, Stockholm, and London, here is Paris. The trend of new XMPP meetups in major cities in Europe is confirmed.

The Paris meetup is simply organised by the JabberFr community, as this will be mostly oriented discussions on modern XMPP/Jabber.

Details are available on JabberFr, LinuxFr.org, and agendadulibre.

New XMPP Software Listing Rules

 Posted on March 23, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  ge0rg

The XSF provides a public list of XMPP implementations on its website. For this list to be useful, it should contain up-to-date information about up-to-date software. To achieve this, the XSF Board has decided that all implementations have to reapply once per year, to ensure that they are still actively maintained and that the listed info is accurate. This is a purely formal process, though we encourage implementors to follow the current compliance suites. [Read More]

XMPP and the GSoC 2017

 Posted on March 2, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Kev

We’re delighted to have been accepted in the Google Summer of Code yet again. The XSF has participated in GSoC many times in the past, and it’s always great to have the opportunity to work with the enthusiastic and capable students we see and to bring new views and abilities into the community. We’ve got a wide range of projects offering to participate this year, and some great mentors, so this should be a really good year, all we need is the students. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code 2017

 Posted on February 5, 2017 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Guus

As before, the XSF has applied to this year’s Google Summer of Code. The XSF is intending to act as an umbrella organisation for any XMPP-related project that wishes to join the GSoC. If you are a member of such a project and would like your project to be involved, get in touch! A fresh page of project ideas has been created on the XSF wiki. If you’d like to mentor for your project, please get in touch with us in the XSF GSoC MUC Room. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 21

 Posted on January 27, 2017 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Summit FOSDEM |  Guus

This year, the XMPP Standards Foundation again gathered in force to attend the summit, that traditionally precedes the FOSDEM event in Brussels, Belgium. Barely fitting in the (rather sizable) room that was made available to us by Cisco, the XSF members had a fruitful two-day meeting. Day two @xmpp Summit21 The attending members, skillfully herded by Kev, addressed an impressive number of topics, including: BIND2, improving the data exchange that occurs when an XMPP entity initially connects to a server. [Read More]

The 19th XMPP Summit and FOSDEM 2016

 Posted on February 8, 2016 |  4 minutes |  XMPP Summit FOSDEM |  XMPP Communication Team and Contributors

19th XMPP Summit In late January 2016, from the 28th to the 29th, the XSF held its XMPP Summit in Brussels, Belgium. It was the 19th meeting by XMPP standards writers, implementers, and enthusiasts since the first XMPP Summit in July 2006. Among the topics we discussed were MIX, efficient reconnections and, as always, end-to-end security. XSF at work at XMPP Summit MIX, defined in XEP-0369: Mediated Information Exchange, is a replacement for the current multi-user chat standard (XEP-0045). [Read More]

XMPP at the end of the Google Summer of Code 2015

 Posted on December 18, 2015 |  4 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Kev

This year we had six students working on disparate projects for GSoC, and we’re delighted that all of them were successful! Here we link to a wrapup blog post from each of the students, and a description of their work from their mentors. We had Adhish Singh working on Internet of Things implementations. His mentor, Joachim, said: Adhish Singla: [Prototyping tools for IoT](http://www.xmpp-iot.org/gsoc/) Adhish started from no XMPP experience and have created 2 graphical interfaces to IoT devices supporting xep 323 and xep 325 (experimental). [Read More]

Seeking new XSF Treasurer

 Posted on July 6, 2015 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  Simon

Until now, St Peter has been handling the XSF Treasurer role. He’s stepping down from the role and the XSF Board is looking for someone new. The role of Treasurer includes overall responsibility for the financial affairs of the XSF. The future treasurer would: Maintain and monitor the XSF’s bank account with Wells Fargo NA Maintain and monitor the XSF’s post office box File income tax reports (Form 990) with the US IRS Pay franchise taxes with the State of Delaware Pay corporate registration fees with NRAI Pay for relevant domain name registrations Send invoices to XSF sponsors Reimburse XSF members for approved out-of-pockets costs Report on XSF finances to the Board of Directors So we’re looking for someone new. [Read More]