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XMPP Summit 9

 Posted on December 1, 2010 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  willsheward

The ninth XMPP Summit to be held by the XMPP Standards Foundation was held at OSCON 2010 in Portland, Oregon (USA) on Monday July 19 and Tuesday July 20, 2010. Participants The following people registered their participation in advance: lya Braude Nathan Fritz Joe Hildebrand Steffen Larsen Jérôme Sautret Jon Snyder Lance Stout Mike Taylor Angela Thomas Kurt Zeilenga Matt Miller Dave Richards Eero Neuenschwander Tuomas Koski Agenda Interop BOSH C2S Encryption S2S Hacks Sleek Hackfest Specs Carbons BOSH/WebSockets Time-Based Implicit Invites to PEP OneSocial Demos OneSocialWeb &yet XMPP web client DragonForce Day One Summary After a brief welcome and introductions the attendees created the Agenda using the barcamp style. [Read More]

XSF Membership Voting has started

 Posted on November 30, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

Part of the membership process for the XSF is that new and renewing members post to our wiki their “application” and current members vote to approve the application - this proxy voting has now started and will continue until the close of business on December 14th. On December 15th we will have one of the few required “all hands” meetings to formally approve the voting results. The voting is handled by the XSF’s Membership Bot memberbot@jabber. [Read More]

XSF Board Meeting for 2010-11-24

 Posted on November 24, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The minutes for the most recent XSF Board Meeting on 2010-11-24 can be found as a post to the XSF Members mailing list.  You can view the chat log or read the summary post.

The board meets every two weeks - lurkers welcome!

This meeting the focus was on the upcoming FOSDEM and Summit.  Planning for the event and getting setup for a call-for-presenters.

Membership Application period ending soon!

 Posted on November 22, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The XMPP Standards Foundation is currently accepting applications for new members. Why apply? Help the XSF with technical reviews and communication efforts Help elect the XMPP Council, or run for the Council in the future (council candidates must be XSF members) Help the XSF stay true to its mission of building an open, secure, feature-rich, decentralized infrastructure for real-time communication and collaboration over the Internet Application instructions are available here: http://wiki. [Read More]

Online Interop Event

 Posted on November 11, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Events |  bear

From Monday 6th December through to Saturday 11th December, the XSF will be conducting an online interop event to test and demonstrate XMPP interoperability based on the latest core standards. Client and Server implementers are encouraged to participate.

If you do wish to participate, please do add your information to our Interop page.

XSF Membership Application Period for Q4 is open

 Posted on November 8, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The XMPP Standards Foundation is currently accepting applications for new members. Why apply? Help the XSF with technical reviews and communication efforts Help elect the XMPP Council, or run for the Council in the future (council candidates must be XSF members) Help the XSF stay true to its mission of building an open, secure, feature-rich, decentralized infrastructure for real-time communication and collaboration over the Internet Application instructions are available here: http://wiki. [Read More]

Annual Meeting Summary

 Posted on November 3, 2010 |  2 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

XSF Member Jehan posted this summary to the members mailing list: Thus the XSF Board and Council members for 2010/2011 shall be elected this 25th of October 2010. And so they were. As a reminder, the Board is the entity representing externally the XMPP Standards Foundation, in particular in business relations. As for the Council, its members approve the XMPP Extension Protocols, after having been carefully discussed on the various discussion lists and listened to the opinions of our technical readers, whereas they may be XSF members or not, renowned experts or students, or even you, behind your screen. [Read More]

Board and Council Elections 2010

 Posted on September 28, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  willsheward

In accordance with the XSF Bylaws, once a year the XMPP Standards Foundation holds elections for its Board of Directors and for the XMPP Council. Elections for the 2010-2011 Board and Council will be held on October 25, 2010 (with proxy voting 1 Oct. - 24 Oct.). If you are interested in running for Board or Council, please add a wiki page about your candidacy to the relevant sections of this page on the XMPP Wiki by the close of business on September 30, 2010. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 1

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The first developer conference held by the XMPP Standards Foundation occurred on July 24 and 25, 2006, in Portland, Oregon, USA (the same week as OSCON 2006). Note: The following information is archived here for historical purposes (last updated 2006-07-25). Purpose The purpose of this event was to test interoperability between multiple implementations of the XMPP RFCs (3920 and 3921). All participants were be expected to file implementation reports (in accordance with a format and template yet to be developed), which will form one input to the process of advancing the XMPP specifications from Proposed Standard to Draft Standard within the Internet Standards Process at the IETF (see RFC 2026). [Read More]

XMPP Summit 2

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The second developer conference held by the XMPP Standards Foundation occurred on February 26, 2007, in Brussels, Belgium (the same week as FOSDEM 2007). Note: The following information is archived here for historical purposes (last updated 2007-02-26). Agenda A detailed agenda will be worked out at FOSDEM 2007 through a just-in-time process of discussion. In general there will be two main activities: (1) in-depth problem-solving related to pressing XMPP protocol extensions and (2) interoperability testing of codebases represented by developers in attendance. [Read More]