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FOSDEM podcast: Dave Cridland

 Posted on June 8, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the second in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening to Dave Cridland.

Dave is serving on the XSF Council, and is working on M-Link, the XMPP server by Isode.

FOSDEM podcast: Fabio Forno

 Posted on June 7, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the first in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening to Fabio Forno.

Fabio contributes to many codebases, such as Twisted Matrix, Lampiro, Araneo, proxy65, and more.

IETF Happenings

 Posted on June 1, 2010 |  2 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  stpeter

Just over a year ago, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) approved formation of a new XMPP Working Group to work on revisions to the core XMPP specifications and related tasks. The first fruit of this initiative is a working group last call on draft-ietf-xmpp-3920bis, the core definition of XMPP. Officially this “WGLC” was two weeks long and therefore has already ended, but it will probably be extended for a week or two, so please review this (long! [Read More]

Google Summer of Code - Project Update

 Posted on April 29, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  bear

As of 1900 UTC Monday, Google has published the list of accepted project for the Google Summer of Code and I’m very happy to report that four of the proposals to the XSF were accepted! Congratulations to Nicolas, Tobias, Zhenchao and Zhiwei for braving the process and getting accepted! Now the real work starts ;) – a great article to read is from the GSoCMentoring series I’m looking forward to working with them and their mentors in making this a great Summer of Code! [Read More]

XMPP Roundup on new and updated software

 Posted on April 23, 2010 |  4 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  Nyco

Welcome to the 14th Roundup of the XMPP community, part dedicated to new and updated software. This is brought to you by Nÿco and Neustradamus, with the help of Kevin, Johann, David, Will and Florian. Clients Pigeon Pigeon is a chat client for XMPP and ICQ available on the Windows Mobile platform. Cleartext ESM (Enterprise Social Messaging) David Banes from Cleartext, will release the Cleartext ESM desktop client beta, an XMPP chat and microblogging client. [Read More]

GSoC Update 11 Apr 2010

 Posted on April 12, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  bear

The deadline for Student Proposals has come and gone and the XSF has received quite a few proposals covering a wide range of topics, clients and servers! The initial process of determining who is available for mentoring and what number of project slots we will be requesting has started with Google making a first pass Monday evening. We should have information early in the process to start poking Mentors to start reviewing the proposals to prepare for the selection process. [Read More]

GSoC Student Application Deadline

 Posted on April 2, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  bear

Just a reminder to folks (aka Students) that the deadline for Student Proposals is April 9th.

Please scan the list of projects and prepare your application submissions on the GSoC site.

We’re looking forward to a productive summer of XMPP coding and we hope you’ll be part of it.

XSF Accepted as Google Summer of Code Organization

 Posted on March 29, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  bear

Google has approved the XSF as a member organization for the 2010 Summer of Code! This is a great opportunity to evangelize the XSF to young students and hopefully “hook” them on developing applications that use XMPP technologies. Quite a few tasks are needed by members of the XSF to prepare us to receive students, one of the first is to get a list of projects for students to read about and consider. [Read More]

Issue Tracker

 Posted on February 25, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  stpeter

The XSF’s Infrastructure Team has installed an issue tracker for use by the XMPP Standards Foundation. Because the core work of the XSF is the development of protocol specifications, we will use the “Spec Issues” project in the issue tracker to keep track of bug reports and feature requests related to our core specification series (XEPs) and related documentation such as XML schemas and data registries. Anyone can submit issues for consideration, and those tickets will be handled by the XSF’s Technical Review Team, the XMPP Council, the XEP Editor, and other responsible parties (we’re still working out the details about how we will track this feedback and incorporate it into our specifications). [Read More]