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CA Updates

 Posted on September 8, 2009 |  2 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  stpeter

Since 2006 the XMPP Standards Foundation has been offering free digital certificates to administrators of XMPP servers as a way of encouraging encryption of point-to-point “hops” on the XMPP network. This program has been successful in several ways: Thousands of XMPP deployments currently use certificates issued by the XMPP ICA. Popular XMPP clients and servers have fixed bugs in their code related to certificate handling. The XMPP community has gained practical experience with stronger encryption. [Read More]

Board and Council Elections

 Posted on September 1, 2009 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Once a year, the XMPP Standards Foundation holds elections for its Board of Directors and for the XMPP Council. That time is now, so the XSF is actively soliciting people to stand for election. Here is the division of responsibilities between the two groups: The Board provides business leadership for the XSF by handling things like fundraising, contracts, grants, legal issues, planning the XMPP Summit meetings, and choosing volunteers for various official posts such as the Secretary and Executive Director. [Read More]

XMPP Roundup 11

 Posted on July 29, 2009 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  Nyco

[Reporters: Nicolas Vérité and Peter Saint-Andre] Welcome to the eleventh XMPP roundup, the summer news of the XMPP galaxy. New and updated software Blather Blather is a library for Ruby, licensed under a BSD licence. dojox dojox, is an XMPP library for JavaScript that is part of the Dojo toolkit. Eiffel Eiffel XMPP, a library for the Eiffel language, inspired by XMPPHP, published under the Eiffel Forum License v2. eM Client [Read More]

XMPP Roundup 10

 Posted on June 11, 2009 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  Nyco

[Reporters: Nicolas Vérité and Peter Saint-Andre] For those who love round numbers, welcome to the tenth edition of the XMPP Roundup, our semi-regular review of news and events in the XMPP community. Since our last roundup on May 11, here’s what’s been happening… Software Google Wave Google has announced the existence of Google Wave, an early-stage technology for real-time interaction that will incorporate aspects of IM, email, wikis, and other collaboration techniques. [Read More]

XMPP Roundup 9

 Posted on May 11, 2009 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  Nyco

[Reporters: Nicolas Vérité and Peter Saint-Andre] Welcome to the 9th edition of the XMPP Roundup, the periodic stream of news and events in the XMPP universe. New and updated software Wokkel 0.6.0 Ralph Meijer has announced Wokkel 0.6.0, a set of XMPP tools on top of the Python Twisted framework. PySoy game engine PySoy is a 3d game engine including networking support being based around XMPP for player chat and server discovering, Jingle ICE-UDP for network games. [Read More]

XMPP.org and Jabber.org: Rough Consensus and Running Code

 Posted on April 30, 2009 |  2 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  stpeter

It’s well-known that XMPP technologies emerged from the open-source server project first released by Jeremie Miller in 1999, as well as the combined software/operator community that grew up around the server. In the early days, “Jabber” meant many things: Jer’s server, the protocol used between clients and servers, the server network, the community in general, even a company called Jabber.com (then Jabber Inc., purchased by Cisco Systems in late 2008). Over time we have worked to disambiguate the terms. [Read More]

GSoC '09, with XMPP

 Posted on April 29, 2009 |  2 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  Nyco

The XMPP Standards Foundation has helped support a number of open-source projects through Google’s Summer of Code program over the years. Although the XSF is not participating in the Google Summer of Code this year, a number of XMPP-related projects have been accepted by other mentoring organizations… On the JabberFr forums, “Misc” posted the full list: Pidgin: XMPP - libpurple transport, allowing servers to offer gateways to all the IM networks that Pidgin (or Adium) supports Privacy Rewrite, giving users powerful controls over “XMPP firewalling” Telepathy prpl, integrating Pidgin’s powerful Purple library with the GNOME Instant Messaging and Presence framework Apache Foundation: Extend the Vysper XMPP Server/Client with the publish-subscribe XEP (XEP-060) Python Foundation: Gajim: Whiteboard Implementation Adding support for server-side history and roster versioning in Gajim Gnome : GNOME-Games + Telepathy: Play GNOME-Sudoku with your IM contacts Implement Music Sharing in Banshee using the Telepathy API KDE : VoIP client for KDE (revive KCall) KDE - Conversation Logging Framework Turn Kopete chat window into a library Maemo : IM Client For Canola Using Python-purple At the XSF, we’re tremendously excited to see so much implementation of cutting edge technologies in so many widespread projects. [Read More]

Information Flow in XMPP Clients @ FOSDEM 09

 Posted on April 21, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

Those who attended FOSDEM would have seen Dave Cridland typing furiously during the day’s other XMPP talks when everyone else was paying attention to the speakers. Some might have assumed that this was because Dave hadn’t written his presentation until the day he was due to give it. Dave assures me however that he was ‘rewriting’ the presentation to take account of the lack of internet connectivity which crippled his plans for application demos. [Read More]

XMPP Roundup 8

 Posted on April 21, 2009 |  6 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  Nyco

[Reporters: Nicolas Vérité and Peter Saint-Andre] Welcome the 8th wonder^Wroundup of the XMPP world. Contributions are welcome for next edition! Stop in the jabber@conference.jabber.org chatroom if you have suggestions (you can even join via web chat here). Articles, Events and Talks “Les Jeudis du Libre” in Lyon, France Grégoire Ménuel, aka Omega, XSF member, has presented an introduction to XMPP at the event “Les Jeudis du Libre” (“the thursdays of free software”) in Lyon (France). [Read More]