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The XMPP Newsletter, 01 October 2018

 Posted on September 30, 2018 |  2 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. It is also available in French. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Paul Schaub penned some thoughts on the future of OMEMO where he discusses some of its current drawbacks and proposes futher improvements. After nearly two years of running a Matrix server, Disroot have explained why they chose to refocus on XMPP instead. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 31 August 2018

 Posted on August 31, 2018 |  1 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. This month’s newsletter is a bit thinner than usual, no doubt due to the summer holidays in the northern hemisphere. News Maxime “pep.” Buquet has written a great report on the progress made at the recent XMPP sprint held at the Collabora offices in Cambridge. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 03 August 2018

 Posted on August 3, 2018 |  2 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the latest edition of the XMPP newsletter! If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Slack has acquired HipChat’s (and Stride’s) intellectual property from Atlassian. HipChat was a proprietary service based on non-federated XMPP. Prosody has added various PEP improvements which will be included in a future 0.11 release. The Java XMPP library Smack now has OpenPGP support. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 29 June 2018

 Posted on June 29, 2018 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the XMPP newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or blog post you’d like us to include in the newsletter, please submit it on the XMPP wiki. News Decentralized code forge, based on XMPP Github has been acquired by Microsoft, prompting some FOSS developers with long memories to reconsider whether they still want to host their projects there. The Salut à Toi project is working on a decentralized and federated solution for issues and merge requests, based on XMPP, and Jérôme Poisson explains in this article their motivation for doing this work. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 1 June 2018

 Posted on June 1, 2018 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to another edition of the XMPP newsletter. News The next release of Salut à Toi will include file sharing. Sharing files directly between two users has been possible before, but now it’s possible to share a file hierarchy, or in other words one or several directories. To share with someone, just use their XMPP address (JID). Christopher Muclumbus is a new project to publicly list XMPP chat rooms. It provides a web interface with full-text search for room names, descriptions and addresses. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 3 May 2018

 Posted on May 3, 2018 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the XMPP newsletter. Jeff Becker has written a howto called New life for XMPP. Build your own decentralized messenger! which focuses on using the I2P anonymous network layer instead of using a registered domain name. Peter Waher has published his book “Mastering Internet of Things”, available from Packt and Amazon. Georg Lukas has written a post Freedom and Anonymity on XMPP in which he addresses concerns around his Jabber Spam Fighting Manifesto and its possible effects on issues of privacy and free speech. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 30 March 2018

 Posted on March 30, 2018 |  3 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the second edition of our newsletter. Marek Foss from Process One has published the ejabberd 2017 year in review. Ejabberd has had almost regular monthly updates and is now compatible with XEP-0387: XMPP Compliance Suites 2018. The folks at Erlang Solutions wrote about their Real-time Experience at FOSDEM 2018. The article includes summaries of Michał Piotrowski’s talk “Scaling messaging systems” and Bartłomiej Górny’s “XMPP as the road to innovation”, as well as links to the video recordings of those talks. [Read More]

The XMPP Newsletter, 28 February 2018

 Posted on February 28, 2018 |  2 minutes |  Newsletter |  jcbrand

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter. Eve Online, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game have announced that they are using Ejabberd in a new chat backend and ProcessOnce have written a a blog article about it. Staying with games, Epic Games have written a postmortem of a service outage where they mention certain stats related to their usage of XMPP. Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter Subscribe Alex Rogers, who attended the 22nd XMPP summit and participated in discussions around the business case for federation, has been featured in an article from UC Today titled Integrating the Islands of IM: The Continual Rise of XMPP. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 22

 Posted on December 28, 2017 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit FOSDEM |  Guus

The XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) will hold its 22th XMPP Summit in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday February 1st & Friday 2nd (the two days preceding FOSDEM 2018). Preparations are well under way. If you’re interested in attending, please make yourself known by filling out your details on the wiki page for Summit 22. If you haven’t already, make sure that you’re signed up to the Summit mailling list, which is where you can expect most updates to be announced. [Read More]

Return of experience on XMPP meetup in Krakow

 Posted on September 28, 2017 |  3 minutes |  Events |  Nÿco

In May of 2017 a meetup was organized in Krakow, Poland. We announced it on the XSF blog, and on meetup.com (also a few social networks). The response from the XMPP/Jabber community was very positive, as we were fresh off the heels of FOSDEM and many members had just recently met at the XMPP Summit. Philosophy & goals Firstly, it was a cooperation between Tigase and MongooseIM. Both organizations provide open source XMPP server software and bring professional expertise to the protocol and its ecosystem. [Read More]