FOSDEM podcast: Simon Tennant

 Posted on June 11, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the fourth and last in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening toSimon Tennant.

Simon is running BuddyCloud, a federated social network based on XMPP.

FOSDEM podcast: Dave Cridland

 Posted on June 8, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the second in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening to Dave Cridland.

Dave is serving on the XSF Council, and is working on M-Link, the XMPP server by Isode.

FOSDEM podcast: Fabio Forno

 Posted on June 7, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the first in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening to Fabio Forno.

Fabio contributes to many codebases, such as Twisted Matrix, Lampiro, Araneo, proxy65, and more.

Information Flow in XMPP Clients @ FOSDEM 09

 Posted on April 21, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

Those who attended FOSDEM would have seen Dave Cridland typing furiously during the day’s other XMPP talks when everyone else was paying attention to the speakers. Some might have assumed that this was because Dave hadn’t written his presentation until the day he was due to give it. Dave assures me however that he was ‘rewriting’ the presentation to take account of the lack of internet connectivity which crippled his plans for application demos.[Read More]

Large Scale XMPP Deployments @ FOSDEM 09

 Posted on April 17, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

In his talk at FOSDEM this year Florian Jensen, CTO and co-founder of Flosoft, talked about the challenges involved in setting up and administering a large scale XMPP deployment. Forian’s slides are available in PDF format here

[caption id=“attachment_386” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Florian Jensen @ FOSDEM 2009”]Florian Jensen @ FOSDEM 2009[/caption]

Florian’s own entertaining description of his adventures at FOSDEM can be found on his blog.

Personal Media Networks @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 19, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

XMPP isn’t just about instant messaging - in his talk at FOSDEM, Dirk Meyer explored how XMPP can form the basis of a powerful, yet secure, Personal Media Network - allowing access to your music collection from wherever you are, playing your videos on your friend’s TV, and seemlessly integrating your personal collection with global media.

Dirk’s Presentation is available in PDF format here.

[caption id=“attachment_346” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Dirk Meyer @ FOSDEM 2009”]Dirk Meyer @ FOSDEM 2009[/caption]

Integrating XMPP into Web Technologies @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 11, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

Jack Moffitt, CEO of Chesspark, gave a talk at FOSDEM 2009 onIntegrating XMPP into Web Technologies. Jack has kindly made the slides available in PDF format, together with a simple application example (.zip). [caption id=“attachment_321” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Jack Moffitt presenting at FOSDEM 2009”][/caption] In his own words: “XMPP makes a perfect companion to Web application that need > asynchronous, real time notifications. The Strophe library provides > XMPP support for JavaScript with a simple API.[Read More]

XMPP 101 @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 5, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

This is a (almost) cross-post from Remko Tronçon’s blog at The slides of the “XMPP 101” talk that Peter St.Andre and Remko Tronçon gave at FOSDEM 2009 are available below as a SlideShare presentation and here in PDF format. This presentation gives a fast-paced introduction to XMPP, and is mostly based on “XMPP: The Definitive Guide”. XMPP 101 Peter and Remko were the first of a series of speakers in the XMPP devroom.[Read More]


 Posted on February 8, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

A quick report from day 1 of FOSDEM. The Dev room was packed for virtually every session (standing room only as you can see from a selection of pictures below) and every talk, despite problems with the FOSDEM wi-fi, was well received. We’ll hopefully post short summaries of the talks at a later date once the speakers have recovered from their hangovers and/or stopped eating bacon. [caption id=“attachment_250” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=““A Fast-Paced Introduction to XMPP” - Remko Tronçon, Peter Saint-Andre”]![Read More]