We’re very excited to be back at FOSDEM in person in 2025. Once again, many members of the XSF and the XMPP community will be attending, and we hope to see you there!
Realtime Lounge
As usual, we will host the Realtime Lounge, where you can come and meet community members, project developers, see demos and ask us questions. We’ll be in our traditional location - find us on the K building 2nd floor, beside the elevator (map below). Come and say Hi! Yes, we got stickers :-)

Map of the K building level 2
There will be a presentation in the Real Time Communications (RTC) track:
- Jérôme Poisson (Goffi):
- A Universal and Stable API to Everything: XMPP: “Nowadays, most services provide APIs with their own formats, and sometimes multiple versions, which may change over time. But there is a universal API, with an excellent track record of stability and backward compatibility: XMPP!. In this talk, I’ll show how XMPP can be more than just an Instant Messaging protocol, and how it can be an extremely powerful tool to access almost anything, from third-party networks (IM, microblogging, etc.) to file sharing, automation (IoT), and more. “. The presentation will take place on Saturday, February 1st 2025, on the Real Time Communications (RTC) track, room K.3.601, starting at 18:25 and ending at 18:40 hs.
XMPP Summit 27
Prior to FOSDEM, the XSF will also hold its 27th XMPP summit. This is where community members gather to discuss protocol changes and exchange within the developer community. We’ll be reporting live from the event and also from FOSDEM.
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