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Large Scale XMPP Deployments @ FOSDEM 09

 Posted on April 17, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

In his talk at FOSDEM this year Florian Jensen, CTO and co-founder of Flosoft, talked about the challenges involved in setting up and administering a large scale XMPP deployment. Forian’s slides are available in PDF format here

[caption id=“attachment_386” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Florian Jensen @ FOSDEM 2009”]Florian Jensen @ FOSDEM 2009[/caption]

Florian’s own entertaining description of his adventures at FOSDEM can be found on his blog.


 Posted on April 14, 2009 |  2 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  stpeter

Reported by Peter Saint-Andre Back in March, we decided to hold an informal “Monthly XMPP Meeting” among developers in our community. Here is a brief report on the second such meeting, held today (April 14) in the jdev@conference.jabber.org chatroom (the archived discussion log is here). Here are some of the topics we discussed… Last Call for XEP-0232: Software Information The points raised included: Is this a misuse of service discovery? Will this make entity capability caches less useful because they will be too large to search easily? [Read More]

Personal Media Networks @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 19, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

XMPP isn’t just about instant messaging - in his talk at FOSDEM, Dirk Meyer explored how XMPP can form the basis of a powerful, yet secure, Personal Media Network - allowing access to your music collection from wherever you are, playing your videos on your friend’s TV, and seemlessly integrating your personal collection with global media.

Dirk’s Presentation is available in PDF format here.

[caption id=“attachment_346” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Dirk Meyer @ FOSDEM 2009”]Dirk Meyer @ FOSDEM 2009[/caption]

Doing Geolocation with XMPP @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 16, 2009 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  willsheward

Simon Tennant, CEO of Buddycloud, gave a talk at FOSDEM 2009 on Geolocation with XMPP. Buddycloud is an application for your mobile phone that lets your friends know what you are doing and where you are. You can find out more about Buddycloud here.

[caption id=“attachment_334” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Simon Tennant @ FOSDEM 2009”]Simon Tennant @ FOSDEM 2009[/caption]

Simon’s presentation is available in PDF format here

Integrating XMPP into Web Technologies @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 11, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

Jack Moffitt, CEO of Chesspark, gave a talk at FOSDEM 2009 onIntegrating XMPP into Web Technologies. Jack has kindly made the slides available in PDF format, together with a simple application example (.zip). [caption id=“attachment_321” align=“aligncenter” width=“422” caption=“Jack Moffitt presenting at FOSDEM 2009”][/caption] In his own words: “XMPP makes a perfect companion to Web application that need > asynchronous, real time notifications. The Strophe library provides > XMPP support for JavaScript with a simple API. [Read More]

XMPP Monthly Developer Meeting

 Posted on March 10, 2009 |  1 minutes |  Events |  willsheward

As posted on the blog of  Peter St.Andre, the XMPP Standards Foundation’s Executive Director, the first of what will hopefully turn out to be a series of monthly XMPP developer groupchats will take place this Thursday @ 20:00 UTC.

The groupchat is open to all, not just to XSF members and will take place in the ‘jdev’ room at ‘conference.jabber.org’.

Full details can be found on Peter’s blog.

XMPP 101 @ FOSDEM 2009

 Posted on March 5, 2009 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  willsheward

This is a (almost) cross-post from Remko Tronçon’s blog at http://el-tramo.be/ The slides of the “XMPP 101” talk that Peter St.Andre and Remko Tronçon gave at FOSDEM 2009 are available below as a SlideShare presentation and here in PDF format. This presentation gives a fast-paced introduction to XMPP, and is mostly based on “XMPP: The Definitive Guide”. XMPP 101 Peter and Remko were the first of a series of speakers in the XMPP devroom. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code

 Posted on February 26, 2009 |  2 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  stpeter

At its meeting yesterday, the XMPP Council decided not to participate in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for 2009. There are several reasons for this decision: Many of the longtime open-source projects in the XMPP community are quite mature but lacking in obvious mentors or even an open architecture of participation. On the other hand, there are many vibrant new projects in the community but they are not quite mature enough yet to provide a stable environment for student contributors. [Read More]

Implementing Pubsub for Web Services.

 Posted on February 25, 2009 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  willsheward

The first event from the San Francisco XMPP and Jabber Technologies Meetup group took place on February 18th on “Implementing Pubsub for Web Services”, organised by Julien Genestoux of Notifixious.

Information on the meetup together with videos are available from:  http://technology.meetup.com/11/calendar/9322074/

We’ll publish news of further meetings of this group as and when we receive them.

XMPP Roundup 7: Brussels Report

 Posted on February 25, 2009 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Roundup |  stpeter

[Reporter: Peter Saint-Andre] Before the memories of XMPP Summit 6 fade away, I wanted to provide a brief report on the latest and greatest of our “IRL” (in real life) meetings. We held the first XMPP Summit in the summer of 2005 to perform server interop testing and discuss topics of interest. Thirteen developers showed up and we made good progress on a number of issues, including the pubsub simplifications now known as Personal Eventing Protocol. [Read More]