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And our GSoC students are...

 Posted on April 29, 2012 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  florian

It’s with great pleasure that we would like to share with you the list of students that have been selected to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2012 for the XMPP Standards Foundation. Cătălin Badea Conversation history support for Swift Denis Washington PubSub HTTP Interface for buddycloud Mateusz Piękos Swift - Whiteboarding Pawel Domas XMPP-Jitsi: PseudoTCP Rodrigo Duarte An XMPP Media Server sarangbh Twitter Backend for Spectrum Yoann Blein Swift - Screen Sharing Congratulations to all of you, and thanks to everyone who submitted an idea for this year. [Read More]

GSoC 2012 Student Application deadline approaching

 Posted on April 3, 2012 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  florian

It’s great to see this many applications for GSoC projects so far, but there are still a few days left to apply. So if you’re a student and interested in participating in the Google Summer of Code, head on over to our GSoC 2012 Wiki page and find out what projects are looking for your help. The deadline for Students to apply is April 6th at 6pm UTC, so be sure to apply before then. [Read More]

XMPP WG Session at IETF 83

 Posted on March 26, 2012 |  1 minutes |  Events |  stpeter

The IETF’s XMPP Working Group will hold an in-person meeting this week at IETF 83 in Paris. The topics will include end-to-end encryption, server-to-server federation, and internationalization.

Remote access will also be accommodated. Here are the particulars:

Date: Wednesday, March 28
Time: 15:10-16:10 Central European Time (14:10 UTC)
Place: Le Palais des Congres de Paris, France
Chatroom: xmpp@jabber.ietf.org
Audio Stream: http://ietf83streaming.dnsalias.net/ietf/ietf837.m3u

Another Summer of Code

 Posted on March 21, 2012 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  stpeter

We’re happy to announce that the XSF has been accepted to participate in the Google Summer of Code for 2012. See our wiki page for details. We still have time to add project ideas to the list there, so if you participate in an XMPP-related codebase feel free to get involved!

FOSDEM 2012 Report

 Posted on March 14, 2012 |  2 minutes |  FOSDEM |  stpeter

On February 3-6, the XSF and members of the XMPP community participated in both XMPP Summit 11 and FOSDEM 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. This is a late report about the activities there, based on the notes made at the time about the Summit and FOSDEM in general. With regard to community outreach, we had a very successful presence at FOSDEM. In addition to the devroom, where we brought together a full afternoon of talks about XMPP and related topics, we also hosted a “real-time lounge” in one of the buildings on the ULB campus. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 11

 Posted on January 10, 2012 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  florian

The 11th XMPP Summit will be held on February 3-6, 2011, in Brussels, Belgium (the same weekend as FOSDEM 2012).

We are using a wiki page for coordination, please go there!

XMPP Summit coming soon to a FOSDEM near you!

 Posted on January 6, 2012 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  dwd

As you’ll be aware if you’ve been following the XSF’s mailing lists and chatrooms, FOSDEM 2012 is coming, and that means it’s also time for the XMPP Summit 11. A rough timetable is: Friday 3rd February - XSF Interop Day (Hosted by Cisco in Diegem) The testing to be done is being organized as I type on our mailing list at interop@xmpp.org Saturday 4th February - XMPP Realtime Lounge at FOSDEM, XMPP Talks at FOSDEM If you’ve some fun project to demo at our stand, the Realtime Lounge, or an exciting talk about XMPP and related topics, we still have speaking slots available - tell us your idea on the summit@xmpp. [Read More]

2011 Q4 Membership Application Period has started

 Posted on September 22, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

Alexander Gnauck has announced to the members@xmpp.org mailing list that the membership application Wiki page for the next application period is ready.  Now is the time to start looking for new members, or remind those who have dropped to reapply.

The following XSF members have to reapply:

  • Will Thompson
  • Waqas Hussain
  • Alexey Melnikov
  • Kurt Zeilenga
  • Michael Grigutsch
  • Tuomas Koski
  • Steffen Larsen
  • Guillaume LeGales
  • Joe Maissel
  • Peter Mount
  • Steven Parkes
  • Luca Tagliaferri
  • Mike Taylor

Serving on the Board or Council

 Posted on September 13, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Each year the members of the XSF choose new people to provide technical leadership on the XMPP Council and business leadership on the XSF Board of Directors. These roles typically require only a few hours a week over the one-year term, and are a great way to get involved in the XMPP community. If you’re interested in volunteering or know someone else who might be, visit the wiki page or ask one of the current Board or Council members for insights. [Read More]