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XMPP Summit 3

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The XMPP Standards Foundation held its third developer conference on July 23 and 24, 2007, in Portland, Oregon, USA (the same week as OSCON 2007). Note: The following information is archived here for historical purposes (last updated 2007-07-16). Why Attend? XMPP Summit 3 is the best place for developers to get a jumpstart on the upcoming 2008 certification program and to discuss cutting-edge topics in the XMPP community. Discussion Topics In general the discussion will focus on solving problems related to important XMPP protocol extensions and brainstorming new XMPP applications (including integration with existing applications such as content management and social networking). [Read More]

XMPP Summit 4

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  5 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The fourth developer conference held by the XMPP Standards Foundation occurred on February 24 and 25, 2008, in Brussels, Belgium (the same week as FOSDEM 2008). The following information was archived from http://wiki.jabber.org/index.php/FOSDEM_2008. Intro The 2008 edition of FOSDEM (the Free and Open source Software Developers’ Europe Meeting) will take place at the ULB, Brussels, Belgium over the weekend of February 23-24 2008. Here is the plan for the Jabber/XMPP community… [Read More]

XMPP Summit 5

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  6 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The XMPP Standards Foundation will hold its fifth “XMPP Summit” meeting on July 21 and 22, 2008, in Portland, Oregon, USA (the same week as OSCON 2008). Read on for details. Participants Agenda Logistics Events Participants Participation is open to all developers, service operators, and other interested individuals. Please note that this is a hard-code technical get-together with plenty of coding sprints, hackfests, interop testing, brainstorming sessions, geeky lightning talks, etc. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 6

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  6 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The sixth XMPP Summit to be held by the XMPP Standards Foundation will occur on February 6-9, 2009, in Brussels, Belgium (the same weekend as FOSDEM 2009). Friday, February 6: Jingle Thingle Saturday, February 7: Devroom @ FOSDEM Sunday, February 8: FOSDEM Sunday, February 8: Birthday Dinner Monday, February 9: XMPP Summit Logistics Contact Friday, February 6: Jingle Thingle A hackfest and brainstorming session for Jingle developers who want to code and test their implementations (primarily voice and video, but we will also discuss file transfer, end-to-end encryption, and other use cases). [Read More]

XMPP Summit 7

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  3 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The XMPP Standards Foundation will hold its seventh “XMPP Summit” meeting on July 20 and 21, 2009, in San Jose, California, USA. Thanks to the generosity of O’Reilly, the Summit will be held on the premises of OSCON 2009. Monday, July 20: Interop & Hackfest Monday Evening: Developer Dinner Donations Tuesday, July 21: Technology Brainstorming Participants Logistics Cost Contact Monday, July 20: Interop & Hackfest Here we will focus on interoperability testing and software hacking, including work on automated testing tools. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 8

 Posted on August 10, 2010 |  7 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  admin

The eighth XMPP Summit to be held by the XMPP Standards Foundation occured on February 5-8, 2010, in Brussels, Belgium (the same weekend as FOSDEM 2010). Friday, February 5: XMPP Hackfest Saturday, February 6: Devroom @ FOSDEM Sunday, February 7: FOSDEM Sunday, February 7: Official XSF Dinner Monday, February 8: XMPP Summit Mobile Dev Challenge and SIM Cards Hotel Logistics Contact Friday, February 5: XMPP Hackfest The official XMPP Hackfest is there for people to code on XMPP, test interoperability and build or extend applications. [Read More]

XMPP Summit - Day One Summary

 Posted on July 20, 2010 |  2 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  bear

We started with Bear and Joe giving a brief welcome and then we went around the room and allowed the attendees to introduce themselves. After the introductions we worked out the Agenda using the barcamp style of posting topics to the white-board and haggling over which order to work thru them. Since the focus turned out to be almost all interop testing the group set up infrastructure with Jack E. helped by setting up a local CA Server and Joe setting up both DNS and DHCP while the great guys from &yet provided network hubs and patch cables. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 9 - Preview

 Posted on July 20, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  bear

(editor’s note: apologies for this appearing now, it got stuck in the publish queue and I did not notice it until I went to publish the Day One Summary that follows. d’oh!) Next week (July 19th and 20th 2010) the XSF will be having the 9th XMPP Summit at the Oregon Convention Center courtesy of the great folks at O’Reilly who allow us to take over a room during OSCON. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code Update

 Posted on July 16, 2010 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  bear

The Mentor’s and Students have all been working hard with their projects and they have reached an important milestone: the mid-term evaluations! As of a couple hours ago all of our evaluations have been submitted and they are ready to continue on towards the last half of the project. If you are interested in following along, you can see project updates as posted by each student in their respective blogs: [Read More]

FOSDEM podcast: Simon Tennant

 Posted on June 11, 2010 |  1 minutes |  FOSDEM |  Nyco

This is the fourth and last in a series of podcasts made at FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.

Today, we are listening toSimon Tennant.

Simon is running BuddyCloud, a federated social network based on XMPP.