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Eyeball Networks become an XSF Sponsor

 Posted on May 26, 2015 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  willsheward

We’re happy to announce that Eyeball Networks are the latest organisation to become an XSF Sponsor. Eyeball Networks pioneered the STUN/TURN/ICE device-to-device connection technologies adopted by communications standards including SIP, XMPP, IMS, PacketCable, IBM Sametime, Microsoft Lync, and now WebRTC. You can read more about them here. Sponsors are vital to the ability of the XSF to continue to fulfil its mission to build an open, secure, feature-rich, decentralized infrastructure for real-time communication and collaboration over the Internet. [Read More]

XSF GSoC Students 2015

 Posted on April 28, 2015 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  kev

This year, we’ve been lucky enough to have had many great applications to take part in Google Summer of Code under the XSF. We’ve selected the following six students/projects and are looking forward to working with them over an exciting summer: Tarun Gupta: Extend Stroke Implementation Daniel Baczynski: Multi-account support in Swift Ishan Khanna: Add support for XMPP Serverless Messaging (XEP-174) to Smack Marvin W: Add support for DNSSEC to Smack via MiniDNS srtb: Axolotl support for Conversations Adhish Singla: Prototyping tools, for Internet of Things This should be a great summer for the students, and for all the projects involved. [Read More]

Board goals for 2015

 Posted on March 23, 2015 |  2 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  laura

When our newest Board of Directors were elected, they decided that they wanted to set some goals against which their achievements as Board members could be measured. And so this journey began… We started by asking the community what THEY cared about and what they wanted the Board to focus on. We took this information, turned it into measurable objectives and then asked the community to vote - what did they think the most important areas to focus on? [Read More]

Summit 17 - the presentations

 Posted on March 20, 2015 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  laura

A slightly tardy share, but we have the presentations from Summit 17 in Brussels starting to trickle in! As more come in, this post will get longer (and hopefully have a more permanent home on the new site) but here we go: XMPP Research With their active blog xmppresearch.org, researchers from RWTH Aachen University and TU Dresden are contributing to an ongoing collection of academic works around XMPP, including a high-quality bibliography, demos and reviews. [Read More]

An introduction to xmppresearch.org

 Posted on March 3, 2015 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  willsheward

At the recent Summit 17, we were very happy to welcome Dominik Renzel and István Koren from the recently launched site xmppresearch.org. The declared mission of the project is to: "collect and to present scientific research work based on XMPP" The site, which is a collaboration between RWTH Aachen University and Technische Universität Dresden, contains articles on recent XMPP-related research, demos and a comprehensive bibliography. They’ve recently blogged about their experiences at Summit 17. [Read More]

XMPP in Google Summer of Code 2015

 Posted on March 3, 2015 |  1 minutes |  Google Summer of Code |  kev

We’ve just had the great news that Google have again accepted the XSF to mentor XMPP-related projects in the Google Summer of Code this year. GSoC is a programme whereby Google pays students a stipend to work on open source projects for the summer, and when we’re able to participate in this it’s a highlight of the year for us. If you are, or know any, talented students with an interest in realtime communication systems we’ve got a selection of interesting projects at http://wiki. [Read More]

No, it's not the end of XMPP for Google Talk

 Posted on March 2, 2015 |  3 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  fippo

There’s some recent discussion about the sky falling for XMPP at Google. See this blog post by Dan York for example. In reality, we don’t know the state of XMPP inside Google because they don’t share their use of XMPP with the XSF. We do know Android’s Google Cloud Messaging uses it. We know Hangouts Videochat uses it. We know Google Talk still (insecurely) federates with (some) XMPP services. But from an outside perspective, Google has made no major recent changes in terms of how they’re using XMPP from what we can observe. [Read More]

Thank you to new and returning XSF sponsors

 Posted on February 16, 2015 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  willsheward

We’d like to say a big “thank you” to two companies who have recently signed up as sponsors of the XMPP Standards Foundation. Erlang Solutions are a new XSF sponsor who specialise in providing businesses with scalable solutions via the creation, integration, delivery and lifetime support of products and services based on the Erlang and Elixir programming languages. ProcessOne, a returning sponsor, are a leading provider in messaging platforms designed for scale and robustness. [Read More]

It’s all about choices and control

 Posted on January 26, 2015 |  4 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  laura

“Why should I use XMPP?” is a question we get asked a lot. Our answer is often technically-focussed, as there are plenty of reasons XMPP might be the right choice, or we might explain about the benefits of a federated approach - where everyone can run their own server and control their own data. Either way, the fact it is an ‘open standard’ never ceases to be mentioned. Open standards have many advantages over proprietary formats (too many to list in one blog post) but one in particular is that it gives you the choices and control about how you access your data and services. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 17

 Posted on January 8, 2015 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  joachim.lindborg

The 17th XSF Summit is approaching! On January 29th and 30th 2015, just before FOSDEM2015. members of the XMPP community will be gathering at the Cisco offices in Diegem, Brussels to talk about all things XMPP. Our agenda is evolving but so far includes: XMPP-IoT, Current state of the IoT XEPs Editor team automation sprint e2e encryption & OTR The state of UPNP and their XMPP cloud project (and us as liaisons) Relation/Liaison to W3C interest group on the Web of Things: charter XEP-0322 EXI: Update on/upstreaming of implementation, comments To keep up to date with Summit plans, please visit the wiki page for Summit 17 . [Read More]