2011 Q4 Membership Application Period has started

 Posted on September 22, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

Alexander Gnauck has announced to the members@xmpp.org mailing list that the membership application Wiki page for the next application period is ready.  Now is the time to start looking for new members, or remind those who have dropped to reapply.

The following XSF members have to reapply:

  • Will Thompson
  • Waqas Hussain
  • Alexey Melnikov
  • Kurt Zeilenga
  • Michael Grigutsch
  • Tuomas Koski
  • Steffen Larsen
  • Guillaume LeGales
  • Joe Maissel
  • Peter Mount
  • Steven Parkes
  • Luca Tagliaferri
  • Mike Taylor

Serving on the Board or Council

 Posted on September 13, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  stpeter

Each year the members of the XSF choose new people to provide technical leadership on the XMPP Council and business leadership on the XSF Board of Directors. These roles typically require only a few hours a week over the one-year term, and are a great way to get involved in the XMPP community. If you’re interested in volunteering or know someone else who might be, visit the wiki page or ask one of the current Board or Council members for insights. [Read More]

Quarterly Membership Application Period Q3/2011

 Posted on June 27, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

We are currently holding the quarterly membership application period Q3/2011. According to Alex’s records the following members have to reapply: David Czech Debo Dutta Ludovic Gilbon Tony Shen Abhinav Singh Douglas Abbink Aaron Axelsen Diana Cionoiu Sebastiaan Deckers Peter Ferne Nathanael Fritz Joe Hildebrand Florian Jensen Bartosz Malkowski Tobias Markmann Ralph Meijer Dirk Meyer Matthew Miller Edwin Mons Peter Saint-Andre Jonathan Schleifer Jonathan Siegle Remko Tronçon Nicolas Vérité Those who are reapplying should already have a Wiki account for creating their application page at: http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Membership_Applications_Q3/2011 [Read More]

Q2/2011 Membership Application Period ending soon!

 Posted on May 6, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

Members who are in the list below have until the 10th of May to do reapply. You should already have a wiki account, so please visit the wiki and create your page. Membership Applications April 2011 Fabio Forno Artur Hefczyc Arc Riley Kevin Smith Safa Sofuoglu Mike Taylor Ilya Braude Aaron LaFramboise Eero Neuenschwander David Richards Jakob Schröter Eamonn Shaw Please contact Alex if the above list is wrong. [Read More]

Quarterly Membership Application Period Q2/2011

 Posted on April 21, 2011 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The XSF is currently holding its quarterly membership application period Q2/2011 According to Alex’s records the following members have to reapply: Fabio Forno Artur Hefczyc Arc Riley Kevin Smith Safa Sofuoglu Mike Taylor Ilya Braude Aaron LaFramboise Eero Neuenschwander David Richards Jakob Schröter Eamonn Shaw Please contact Alex if the above list is wrong. Reappliers should already have a wiki account, so please visit the wiki and create your page until 10th Mai 2011 at 23:59:59 UTC if you want to reapply. [Read More]

Member Voting - last call!

 Posted on December 13, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The proxy voting still has not reached a quorom, so unless you plan on voting at the meeting you have until the close of business on December 14th. On December 15th we will have one of the few required “all hands” meetings to formally approve the voting results. The voting is handled by the XSF’s Membership Bot memberbot@jabber.org and you can review the current membership applications listed here: November 2010 Applications [Read More]

XSF Membership Vote Update

 Posted on December 8, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

We still need folks who haven’t voted to do so as Alexander has reported that our current voting tally does not fulfill the required quorum. The proxy voting is ongoing and will continue until the close of business on December 14th. On December 15th we will have one of the few required “all hands” meetings to formally approve the voting results. The voting is handled by the XSF’s Membership Bot memberbot@jabber.org and you can review the current membership applications listed here: November 2010 Applications [Read More]

XSF Membership Voting has started

 Posted on November 30, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

Part of the membership process for the XSF is that new and renewing members post to our wiki their “application” and current members vote to approve the application - this proxy voting has now started and will continue until the close of business on December 14th. On December 15th we will have one of the few required “all hands” meetings to formally approve the voting results. The voting is handled by the XSF’s Membership Bot memberbot@jabber.org and you can review the current membership applications listed here: November 2010 Applications [Read More]

XSF Board Meeting for 2010-11-24

 Posted on November 24, 2010 |  1 minutes |  XSF Organisational |  bear

The minutes for the most recent XSF Board Meeting on 2010-11-24 can be found as a post to the XSF Members mailing list. You can view the chat log or read the summary post. The board meets every two weeks - lurkers welcome! This meeting the focus was on the upcoming FOSDEM and Summit. Planning for the event and getting setup for a call-for-presenters. [Read More]