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XMPP at PyCon 2013

 Posted on March 17, 2013 |  1 minutes |  Events |  bear

Arc, Lance and Ralph are all at PyCon 2013 and today they were showing off XMPP and Python at one of the “poster sessions”. Nicely done!

PyCon 2013

Jitsi 2.0 Now Released!

 Posted on March 7, 2013 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  Neustradamus

With support for audio and video calls, Jitsi has long had one of the richest Jingle implementations. Now the project has added even more on top of that: Multiparty Video Conferencing. One of the most prominent new features in the 2.0 release is Multiparty Video Conferencing. Such conferences can work in an ad-hoc mode where one of the clients relays video to everyone else, or in cases that require scalability, Jitsi can use the Jitsi Videobridge: an RTP relaying server controlled over XMPP. [Read More]

XMPP Summit 13 is complete

 Posted on March 7, 2013 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  bear

The XSF recently held the XMPP Summit 13 in Brussels this past week, specifically January 31 and February 1, 2013 – and truth be told we are all exhausted and amazed at how much discussion and planning can happen in two days when you get a bunch of bright, smart folks in the same room. We would like to thank again our sponsors, who really stood up and helped make the event a success: [Read More]

XMPP Summit 13 in Brussels

 Posted on December 17, 2012 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  stpeter

This is just a quick note to inform you that the XSF will hold its 13th XMPP Summit in Brussels, Belgium on January 31 and February 1, 2013. This is Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM 2013. Details are on the wiki at http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Summit_13 and join the summit@xmpp.org list to discuss.

edit: hmm, did I just edit this so it would reappear in folks feed readers… why yes, yes I did ;)

XMPP Summit

 Posted on June 15, 2012 |  1 minutes |  XMPP Summit |  stpeter

We’ve decided to hold the next XMPP Summit in Portland, Oregon at the end of October. Mark your calendars for October 25th, which is the day after the Keeping it Realtime conference. Co-locating the XMPP Summit with krtconf makes a lot of sense, since both events are focused on building real-time applications. Many details are yet to be worked out (e.g., we might hold a two-day Summit instead of a one-day Summit), but we will post again in a few weeks once we know more. [Read More]

BrowserID, meet XMPP.

 Posted on May 4, 2012 |  1 minutes |  Miscellaneous |  florian

Identity and Privacy are a growing concern on the Internet nowadays, and there have been different attempts to solve this. One of the most recent ones is BrowserID. The XSF believes however, that building upon the strengths of XMPP would be a great way forward for the BrowserID concept, due to its inherent federation, proven Internet-wide scalability, and decentralised architecture. This is why the XSF has decided to support projects that demonstrate the use of XMPP for BrowserID purposes. [Read More]